z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Cool fall days are here . I hope weather is good where you are.

 Linking to Sunday Stealing....

1. Can you cry under water? Of course you can!
2. What is the fattest thing you’ve ever done? I ate an entire can of whipped cream.
3. If you’re going to be arrested what do you want your crime to be? Slapping a bully
4. When they say dog food is “new and improved” who tastes it? The Chief Dog Food Tester of course.
5. What’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen?  people who are bullies.
6. Why doesn’t glue stick to its bottle? because it has a lot of water or solvent in it. You need to let the water/solvent evaporate for the glue to stick.
7. What historical event do you wish you’d witnessed? Seeing Julius Caesar  get his butt kicked.
8. Who has had the best influence on your life?  God
9. Would you rather go into space or to Antarctica? You can't go to space only into low earth orbit, so Antarctica will be my choice.
10. Would you rather sleep with no pillow or no blankets? Neither. I want my pillow and my blankets or all hell will break loose.
11. What's your favorite rain memory?  Walking home in the early autumn, winter evenings from work. The shop signs reflected in vivid colors in the puddles. I love that!
12. If you were elected president, what is the first thing you would do?
Destroy Congress, make myself dictator and straighten the place out.
13. If you had $3 to spend in the dollar store, what would you buy? $3 worth of stuff.
14. What’s the most annoying sound in the world? snoring
15. What natural disaster scares you the most? Oh please, they are all scary.



  1. Right on sista for #12. I hope you have a beautiful fall day, Annie. smiles

  2. I'm rather glad you're not running for office. Dictatorships are not the best form of government, and no one knows everything.

  3. #2 - now that would make me sick.

    Apparently I snore, I've been old. I don't believe it myself.




  4. #12 -- Isn't that what Trump's doing? Not working out so well.

  5. Not so sure about the dictatorship part, but if you could straighten out Congress you'd be a hero. If you could kick out N.P. that would be a great feat!! $3.00 at the Dollar store? Well if it is truly the Dollar Tree, where everything is a dollar, you could buy three things of your choice! Some dollar stores aren't really dollar stores. They are more like $10.00 stores! LOL. I know that I snore, so it's probably best we don't live in the same house! And yes, I need my blanket and pillows...currently I use 3 large pillows and one small one and a teddy bear. LOL. They are very comforting and comfortable. Each has its place. LOL. Have a good day.


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