z Cottage by the Sea : Vision ... Sat 9
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Vision ... Sat 9

Hello, hello! A rainy day as I write this.. getting it ready for Saturday. I am told Saturday will be
sunny though. But there is something very cozy about cold rainy days in autumn. I spent the day nursing a breakfast cup of Pumpkin spice coffee. Reheating it from time to time until I was nearly finished and then a fruit fly dove into it and I had to throw it out. Now, I realize he probably didn't really pollute the coffee, poor little soul. and things like that do not bother me as far as drinking go but I figured it was a good excuse to finally let the cup go down the drain.

Saturday is Sat 9 and I have answered the questions with pretty boring answers actually.But here we go, though I warn you I am loaded for bear today.....

Saturday 9: Vision of Love (1990)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The lyrics refer to "sweet destiny." Do you believe in destiny?
Absolutely not. Destiny denies free will.  I am not superstitious really. 

2) This week's artist, Mariah Carey, has something to fall back on. She studied cosmetology and worked as a hair sweeper in a salon. When you get your hair cut, do you socialize with the stylist?
I don't use a stylist for hair cutting. I cut it myself if and when I want to. As a kid .. very young.. I hung around my aunties hair salon and watched her cutting hair for hours on end. I can do a semi-competent job even on myself. Nothing glorious.. just okay. So, no since I am my own stylist, I do not talk to myself whilst cutting my hair.
3) She isn't likely to turn to cosmetology any time soon. Mariah is currently on the best seller list with her autobiography, The Meaning of Mariah Carey. Was the last book you finished fiction or non-fiction?
Non Fiction.   I am on my millioneth read of Mesillat Yesharim (Path of the Righteous).

4) So far, more than 800 people have reviewed Mariah's book on Amazon. Do you review products/services online?
No, I don't and I do not buy online at all. I want to patronize small shops . No, I did not buy the above book online but in my local bookstore.

5) When she was a high school student, she was nicknamed "Mirage" because she skipped class so often. Did you ever play hooky?
No I never did. I wanted an education.

6) Mariah doesn't apologize for spoiling her dogs, who have been known to travel by limo. Do you know anyone who treats their pets like people?
Many people treat their dogs better than they treat other people, and even their own children. Yes, I know people whose animals pee all over the house but they scream at their kids for spilling some milk.. sad, pathetic, evil.
7) In 1990, the year this song was popular, Martina Navratilova won the Wimbledon Women's Singles Tournament. How's your tennis game?
Non existent. I was okay in high school but nothing special.
8) Also in 1990, Pope John Paul II toured Mexico. Have you ever visited our neighbor south of the border?
No. Is that when they picked up the pacha mama  idol nonsense?

9) Random question(s): There are Gofundme campaigns for many purposes. Have you ever solicited funds online? Would you?

No and very doubtful I would.


  1. Good Morning !
    Love this header...truth to tell , I love all your paintings !
    Interesting questions and answers ...my rainy days in autumn include warm clothing , hot tea and snuggled into a comfy couch with a good book ! Oh ! and hot , creamy homemade chicken vegetable soup...oooooh
    Have a splendid day , my friend !!!

  2. I never played hooky either, but probably more because I knew I would probably get caught if I did and then I would be in super big trouble, so totally not worth all of that! I never could get the hang of tennis, being a lefty I was just awkward at a lot of things. I can cut the top and sides of my hair, but not so great on the back. I have a nice stylist close by who does a great job, and yes, I do talk to her. From what you've allowed us to see of you, your hair looks very nice, so you do a great job! We don't really have any local bookstores anymore, so I pretty much have to buy online, or I check out books from the library. Of course, online shopping is what drove the bookstores out of business, but here in this area where we live I don't know that there ever were any to begin with, except Walmart, which doesn't really count.
    Have a blessed day! It's 63 here this morning! Feels like a fall day!

  3. I enjoyed all of your answers today.
    I never played hooky either.
    Have a great Saturday my friend.

  4. I am impressed that you can cut your own hair. I did a couple of times during the lockdown and let's just say I was relieved when I could get to a hairdresser. I wasn't leaving the house so it didn't really matter, but I find long hair much harder to keep up than short hair.

  5. I have never played hooky as I was afraid of my parents and still am, LOL. Enjoyed your answers, Annie. Have a great day friend.

  6. I used to cut my own hair, some friends' in college, and my husband's, but it's been years. I'm afraid to have a go at it now. I'd hate to be why my husband ends up looking like Moe Howard!

  7. It seems like the people I work with like to play hooky a lot. I do not think they have the same work ethic. I feel the same about #9. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  8. Hi Annie, are you Jewish or just have an interest in Hebrew literature? I did not understand number 9. Have a nice Sunday.


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