z Cottage by the Sea : Autumn School Days.. A Tuesday 4 Meme
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Autumn School Days.. A Tuesday 4 Meme

Yesterday's post on the Christian apostle Paul got little attention. I think if you love history it will be of interest to you.

 Welcome to Tuesday 4 which we keep up in memory of Toni Taddeo.

School days help to shape our future personality. 

    1.Share a story of your school days that you think may have helped shape who you are today. 

In the  6th grade our little school had the first male teacher. Later, he was my daughter's teacher as well and remembered me.  He had a very dumb view of history.  He said, "You know, they lie to the children in the Soviet Union."  I said, "How do we know you aren't lying to us?"   He had no answer. I learned then and there that propaganda is not the purpose of teaching or school but it is what happens and public education is used for politics.

Later he mocked the Greek and Roman and Egyptian gods and the people who worshiped them.  I asked him if Aristotle, Plato and a long list of brilliant Greeks and Romans believed in them. "Yes," he responded.  "Were they geniuses?" I asked.   "Oh, why yes they were!" he said.    "And are you a genius?" I asked.   "No, I am no genius" he replied.  "Then I will take their word for things since they are smarter than you are."   Arrogance in teachers also has no place in schools. Those "gods" did indeed exist and walked on the earth as Titans and what are called in Hebrew giborim. 

Arrogance and the new idea that ancients were stupid and we are wiser as time goes on is baloney. It is related to evolution in  it's raw form where you start out as nothing and get better and better. However, science, which is observation, not theory, proves that things get worse over time. While technology advances, human character does not.  It is a form of the law of entropy where over time things fall into ruin.

    2 Did you have a favorite teacher and what made them special to you? 
    I did like my fourth grade teacher. She smelled of violets and was a nice lady. In high school I liked my Russian teacher who also taught history. To be fair he also liked me very much and taught me a love of jazz and Dixie land.
    Did you enjoy the rituals of school.. new clothing, pencils, notebooks, etc.? 
    I was never interested in clothing and wore whatever my mother bought for me all the way through high school and university!   But I did like new pencils and pens and a blue cloth binder which were fun to decorate with graffiti!
    4 Did you walk to school or ride the bus? Do you have a story to share on that?
    Our tiny town doesn't use buses. Everyone walks to school. We had crossing guards to help us along the way. Kids on the off streets and adults on the main streets.  When you stayed late after school there was always a policeman to help you cross any street and see you home if you were headed in my direction.. downtown, that is.  I used to love walking home for lunch especially in the rain and I loved walking home in the autumn when things get dark early. I enjoyed the lights of cars and houses that reflected in the rain along the way.

    Elementary school. Both my daughter and I attended here.


  1. I had a male teacher in 6th grade and I really liked him. I can't think of his name, but I can see his face. I also liked my 4th grade teacher. I think you were a very bright student!

  2. What an interesting story from your school years. Yes, you were (and are) very bright and I am sure your teachers didn't quite know what to make of you as it would seem you were smarter than they were! Probably today you would have been in the gifted program, but they most likely didn't have that back when you were in school. They didn't when I was in school, but I wouldn't have been in it anyway. Although my teachers said I was not working at my potential. I seemed to be too satisfied with just getting by and was not challenged to move beyond that. Looking back, I wish I had had more encouragement...but then again, I was busy having fun with extracurricular activities and couldn't be bothered with all that "work". Again, my loss. But then again, I enjoyed school and had many friends that I still know to this day. Perhaps that isn't so bad after all. I'm sorry I didn't see this meme yesterday and forgot to look for it. I love the picture of your school. Looks like a big school to me! Very interesting old building. Would love to explore!

    1. No, it is not a huge building but it houses two classes for grades K thru 6. I don't believe in gifted and talented classes and yes,we did have them when I went to school. I was put in them in 7th grade but we didn't have them in elementary. To me, a gifted child is Mozart who writes a symphony at age 5.. today any kid who can tie his shoes is called gifted. Most of them are simply average. I hate the system.

  3. I enjoyed your answers today and thank you for sharing your picture.
    Have a great Tuesday My friend.

  4. Ah , school...
    For me , it was a mixture of the good , the bad and the ugly !
    Case in point...in high school , the district had lost an English teacher and beaten the bushes for a replacement all summer . Coming up empty , they hired (wait for it...)
    a MATH teacher ! To teach English ! In that position , some might have tried to keep a few pages ahead of the students , but I fear this fellow never cracked the book ! He was moved later to teach math and a much more suitable replacement was hired for English . He probably suffered as much as did we...but he was paid to do so !
    Have a splendid day , my friend !

  5. Your post this week was very insightful! Only the very good teachers like having their teaching challenged. I think it separates those who believe teaching is their apex versus those who believe life is lived continually learning.I enjoyed school except for my 5th grade year and it was a nightmare.

  6. Your school is beautiful! Loved your answers. Have a nice week.


  7. I enjoyed reading your answers and the insight from them I hope you have a GREAT rest of the week.

  8. P.S. You better not see what Dr. O. wrote on my FB page about the election, talk about arrogant. ANYWAYS---I always enjoy your posts, Annie. smiles

  9. Well I'm not so sure about that teacher you had! I'm glad you had some teachers that you did like. I love the memory of your teacher smelling like violets.

  10. I've always despised arrogance in teachers (and doctors for that matter and being a nurse for so long, I've sure seen it!). I loved the ritual of new things for school - school supplies, some new clothes and usually new shoes. My favorite teacher would be have been Mrs. Kniskern who taught French in 8th grade and then in 9th. If ever I was a teacher's pet, I was hers.


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