z Cottage by the Sea : Autumn by the Seashore
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Autumn by the Seashore

A fall Friday.  I spent the week watching trains, listening to the cedars blowing in the wind and quiet music. I find beauty in life around me. In the bay, the ocean, the trees, sky, weather. Everything is lovely if you really look at it.
Rainy, foggy evening on the road. See how the sign seems to glow?

Leaves in the sand

Sunset puts an orange glow on things. I like the orange reflection in the water.

In the backyard

Autumn Moon

Beige and Blue

Moss stays somewhat green even in autumn. The yard is covered with it under the trees.


Blue shadows

 Still having Blogger problems especially with photos. No matter how many times I remove the gray line around the photos, it pops back on again.  Paragraphs are not right either. Lots of bugs in this new format and I hope they get them straightened out.


  1. So pretty...the header , the photos...aaahhhh...
    Your moonscape is really lovely !
    Thank you for all you do to bring us enlightenment , beauty and joy...may it be returned to you a hundred-fold ! Have a splendid day , my friend !

  2. I love the photo of the foggy road. And your moon shot is so moody and beautiful!

  3. Such lovely photos, and especially the "colors" referenced within them. Very nicely done. I am amazed at how similar some of our views are throughout the year...a very interesting comparison for one so far north and one so far south! Thank you for continuing to share the beauty around you.

  4. True, when you know how to look, you can spot beauty of this world in many unexpected places :)


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