z Cottage by the Sea : Broken Glass
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, November 20, 2020

Broken Glass

Happy Saturday as the month continues to fly on by so quickly.

Walking on Broken Glass (1992)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Annie sings that she feels she's walking on broken glass. What's the most recent item you broke?
It has really been a while since I broke anything but I regularly drop things that don't usually break.

2) She sings about being cut until she bleeds. Tell us about a time you needed stitches.
For spinal surgery I had quite a lot of them since the incision is about 10 inches long.

3) This week's featured artist, Annie Lennox, was born on Christmas Day. Do you know anyone whose birthday falls on a holiday?
My birthday and my daughter's sometimes fall on Thanksgiving Day.

4) When Annie met Dave Stewart, with whom she'd form the duo The Eurthmyics, she was living in Australia and staying in a tiny apartment called a bedsit. The occupant has his/her own combination bedroom/livingroom with cooking facilities, but must share a bathroom. Tell us about one of your early apartments.
My first apartment was my husband's first. It was pretty nice with 1 bedroom, bath, living room, dining room and a nice kitchen.

5) After the Eurythmics broke up, Annie went out on her own. Would you rather work independently, or as part of a group?
It depends on the job. Generally it is nice to be with others.

6) Among her many honors, Annie Lennox was named chancellor of Scotland's Glasgow Caledonia University. What's the last college campus you visited? What brought you there?
Ohio University in Athens, Ohio . I took my family to see  it. I am not sure if I visited Rutgers again lately or not. I went to both schools.

7) In 1992, the year this song was recorded, compact discs out sold cassette tapes for the first time. Back in the day, did you enjoy making your own mix tapes?
No. I was given some by friends though.

8) Also in 1992, Johnny Carson made his last appearance as host of The Tonight Show.  The catchphrase, "Here's Johnny!" was associated with the show. Can you think of another popular TV catchphrase?
 "To the moon, Alice!" from The Honeymooners which you can see on YouTube.
9) Random question: Think of your past week. Now look ahead to the coming week. Would you like it to be more, or less, exciting?
More exciting in a good way.

Tuesday 4 is now up for this week.


  1. Lovely header , my friend ! I do so enjoy your paintings !
    Thank you for a good start for my morning...your blog always features something beautiful and thought provoking ... Brava !
    Wishing you good , exciting days from now on !!!

  2. I enjoyed your answers Annie.
    Have a great Saturday my friend.

  3. I think it is safe to say I want less of 2020 and its happenings at this point. Time to move on so many things/issues, grin. I always enjoy your comments/answers. If we lived closer, you can come over for Thanksgiving and bring your family, smiles (regardless of what our pinhead governors say, wink).

  4. "To the moon, Alice" is a good one. The Honeymooners is a favorite show here. I do hope that you and yours will have a blessed Thanksgiving. This year is very strange indeed, but we still have much to be thankful for. Praying 2021 will be better than we can imagine right now. Take care my friend.

  5. The qualifier "in a good way" is excellent as far as the excitement factor goes.


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