z Cottage by the Sea : Flowers for Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, November 23, 2020

Flowers for Tuesday 4

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in honor of Toni Taddeo.
This week the subject is flowers.  I hope you are enjoying the memes. Let me know if there are topics you'd like me to cover.

1. Do you have a favorite flower?

Japanese Football Mums
I have a few I like. I like roses, lilies of all kinds, violets, black eyed Susans and giant Chrysanthemums.

2.Do you know your birth flower?

yes, it is the Chrysanthemum

Do you know your state's flower?  Yes, it is the violet.

3.Is there a plant you love having in your house or garden?

I like having pothos in the house as well as a prayer plant. Outdoors I love having wisteria, lilacs, roses and hydrangea.  I love my succulents that are in my garden as well. I just need a lot of more of them.

4.If you could plant a dream garden what would you place in it? 

Well, a pond and waterfall of course. A path with roses, a wisteria pergola, a fern garden and Black eyed Susan field.  I have accomplished most of this except for the rose path. And I have problems with up keep because I am disabled but, over all I think I love my garden.

Some photos of my garden:

Beach roses.. Rugosa

close up of Beach Roses


  1. Your garden is beautiful and I bet you enjoy spending time at the pond. I added a little extra today at my Tuesday 4.

  2. Oh, your garden is wonderful, especially the pond. My garden is too small for one.

  3. Annie your garden is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
    I enjoyed your questions and answers.
    Have a good Tuesday my friend.

  4. Good morning !
    So very nice to begin a day with such beauty !
    Thank you !!!
    Have a splendid day , friend !

  5. So pretty, Annie! I love Wisteria. The nursing home where I worked had the biggest arbor of it I've ever seen. It was amazing to see when it was in bloom and man, did it smell pretty when you sat under it. It was so big and thick that no daylight at all got through it.

  6. When I was in high school they would sell the giant mums as a fundraiser at homecoming. They are so pretty. Your garden is gorgeous! I just love flowers. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  7. I love your garden and your wisteria, lilacs, etc. They are all so lovely. I really miss my flowers here since we moved. I haven't been able to do much gardening yet. Maybe next spring I will get busy at it. This year was kind of a bust since I had surgery in the spring and then this pandemic thing kind of knocked the energy out of me to get busy outside. Sorry I missed this "party" today. Our internet was down this morning, and I've been busy starting my cleaning and prep for Thanksgiving so just didn't spend much time on the computer. Love all your flowers!

  8. So pretty, Annie! I love Wisteria. The nursing home where I worked had the biggest arbor of it I've ever seen. It was amazing to see when it was in bloom and man, did it smell pretty when you sat under it. It was so big and thick that no daylight at all got through it.
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