z Cottage by the Sea : Kind to All Creatures Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, November 9, 2020

Kind to All Creatures
Tuesday 4

Showing kindness to all...
 Hi! Welcome to Tuesday 4 begun by Toni Taddeo and kept in memory of her.

Lets discuss Kindness ....

    1.  Do you put up birds houses or have a bird feeder or bath? I have a few bird houses and a platform bird feeder with a big weather vane on top. I also have ponds that provide fresh clean water and water bugs for birds to eat. My ponds give drinks to all kinds of birds, animals big and small. It houses clams, frogs and fish and tons of dragonflies.
     2. The bible commands that your domesticated animals are to eat before you do since they cannot provide for themselves , what pets do you have and when do they eat?    I used to have cats and a dog, but they are gone now. I have a ton of big fish though and as with all my animal friends, they eat before I do first thing each morning, afternoon and evening.
      3. Do you feed the birds in winter?  Yes and I keep a de-icer in the ponds to keep a space open for water for animals and oxygen for the fish. 
      4. .How can we show kindness to others? Suggestions?

      Put the needs of others before your own. Put yourself in their shoes to understand their needs. Think of others often.   Esteem others as better than yourself. Do for others what you want done for yourself. Pray for them but remember that doing for them is far more important. Be faithful, be present in their life, be reliable, be ready to give, to serve and to love.   Love is a verb.. it is something you do.,and something that requires action.   Give of yourself, your time and your energy to the lonely. Lay down your life (your time, energy, thoughts, letters, words, prayers ) for others. Do for the widow and orphan. Don't make them ask.. just do.

      A man once told a psychologist that he no longer loved his wife.  "Well, then love her" the psychologist said.

      "No, no, you don't understand! I don't love her!" he responded.

      "Then you must begin to love her" said the psychologist.  The point is that love in not sappy feelings but something you do for others.

      Have an enjoyable day and thank you for joining in.  Come back to visit again.


  1. Gosh, that brought tears to my eyes. I try to be kind too (sometimes failing, though). My husband likes to say, "Kindness is never wasted." I didn't believe him years ago but I do now that I'm older. Hope I can live up to that. xx
    PS: Your blog is so pretty and professional. Makes mine look like it was made in someone's basement as an afterthought after a Meth party. LOL

  2. I like that last bit about love. I was in youth ministry for quite a few years and I always taught the teens that love is not the mushy, emotional stuff the world says it is. Rather, love is a choice you make every day to want the best for the other person and to put the other person's needs ahead of your own.

  3. Lovely blog...thoughtful posts...always wanting the best for us and giving us the information to do so...for ourselves and those around us .
    Thank you for loving us !!!!!

  4. #1 sounds perfect and I'm sure they are happy to visit with you. We definitely have to put ourselves into people's shoes!

  5. Love your header Annie! I bet it must be so peaceful to sit out by your pond. I know I enjoy sitting outside and watch the birds splash around the water. My grands had fun feeding the fish and ducks a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for bringing up the topic on kindness. I think I will use that as my next lesson for the grands. Happy Tuesday!

  6. I used to have small fish aquariums and they are so peaceful and relaxing. I love that you have ponds. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  7. Beautiful words to live by today. Thank you for sharing this. Sorry I am late to the party, as we were out of town and our signal was very spotty at best. I love that you take care of the fish and birds all winter. We also feed the birds here all winter long. I just came inside from putting their feeders back out after Eta passed by. She didn't do much at all, so thankful, but the bird seed was wet and growing little sprouts, so had to clean them up. Lots of bird activity out there right now. More winter visitors passing through. Yes, I love the story about "love your wife". Such wonderful advice for all relationships. Thank you for doing this.


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