Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Hi! Happy post Thanksgiving Day and what a marvelous day that was. The neighborhood was
Thanksgiving Day

jumping with people. We had a wonderful time thanking God for what He has given us.

 Time for Sunday Stealing.  

These questions are from Adventures in Nonsense.
1. My biggest barrier to weight loss is...  needing to eat to stay alive.

2. What is your relationship with food like?  I can take it or leave it. As a kid I didn't like to have to take time out of being outside playing to go inside and eat.

3. What was the last time you had fun that made you smile for a few days. Thanksgiving Day with everyone.  It was absolutely awesome!

4. What are triggers in your life that lead to eating?  Hunger pains!

5. What inspires you to be healthier  Wanting to be in decent shape.

6. Name two foods that you think are “bad” Candy and useless Carbs

7. Are your expectations for yourself too high? Nope and I don't think anyone's are. If anything most people expect far too little from themselves which is why they continue in bad habits. Most people do not push themselves enough. 

8. Would you like more fun in your life? Of course. Fun is.. fun!

9. What is your one comfort food?   Potatoes with sour cream

10. How would you give someone encouragement? by talking to them and telling them truth.

11. Do you get enough sleep? usually, yes.

12. What activities make you feel more relaxed. Being with people.
13. Where do you need to practice forgiveness in your life? Where it is necessary.

14. What is one thing you have not done because of how you looked? wear clothing far too young for me.

15. What would you like more of in your life? People, activities, education, religion. Midsomer episodes, good film noir and the resurrection of  Theodore Roosevelt for President ( speak softly and carry a big stick and small government that stays out of people's lives).

Tuesday 4 will be up on side bar.


  1. Great answers, Annie! I enjoyed this today! I am so happy that you had such a great Thanksgiving with your family! That warms my heart to hear that you all didn't let the "thanksgiving grinch" steal your joy! I like your answer to #10. Oftentimes people don't want to tell others "the truth" because they are afraid of how they will respond, but the TRUTH is exactly what they need to hear in order to grow and get well. I guess it is the way we tell them the truth that can make them or break them...and that takes wisdom! Thank you for this reminder today...there are some people I know who need to hear the truth and it has been difficult to do so. I hope you have a blessed and beautiful day today and as we now enter into the Advent season, preparing our hearts for the celebration of the birth of Christ and all that means to us today. "It's the most wonderful time of the year!"

  2. Thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful !
    It was a gorgeous gift of dear family and friends , good food laced with love and great comraderie !
    It will provide warm , happy memories for many years !
    Thank you !!!
    I'm so eager for Christmas !
    Be safe and well , my friend...

  3. Great answers. Ick on sour cream on potatoes, you and my husband would get along just fine, smiles. Have a beautiful day friend. I am so glad your Thanksgiving was awesome. smiles

  4. So glad y'all had a good Thanksgiving. We did too, even though it was just the two of us. We have small families.
    I'm with you on the candy and carb's. All sugar is poison. I've given it almost completely up (eating Keto), lost over 35 lbs easily, my blood-sugar never spikes or valley's anymore, my hair grew back, I sleep better, no heart problems anymore, and I'm "never" hungry. Eat lots of meat, eggs, bacon, fat, butter, etc. The cholesterol thing and "Food Pyramid" is a government lie all so their buddies can make money. It's killing people prematurely. Eat as God had us to eat in the beginning. Ok, I'm off my soap box. *lol*
    Hope your day is blessed. xx

  5. We don't have Thanksgiving in the UK but I believe it is a big think across the pond.

    Christmas and New Year are the two main events for us over here.




  6. enjoyed your answers. We had Thanksgiving yesterday and was a blast. I will be joining your Tuesday 4

  7. Enjoyed your answers! I love potatoes with sour cream too . . and cheese and chives and bacon!!


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