Monday, November 30, 2020

Tea Party

  Welcome to Tuesday 4 the legacy of Toni Taddeo, kept in her honor and memory.

Let's discuss tea parties.

1. Do you invite people over for coffee or tea?   Yes, all the time. I love to entertain and have a house full of people.

2.  Entertaining
is a good way to serve others. The bible encourages it in talking about how to be a good person:

Isaiah 58: "“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?      Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? " 

 Do you entertain often?  Yes, every chance I get! I love having people over more than just about anything else I can think of.

3. What kind of refreshments do you offer to guests? Tea, coffee, soft drinks, whatever they would like and snacks or sweets.

4. Do you enjoy tea and/or coffee? How do you take it? I like both but lately I like coffee more. I drink it with enormous amounts of plain powdered coffee mate, sometimes a dab of heavy cream.  I drink tea with milk.

If it is in your power to entertain friends and family, do so often. People get lonely and need to be with others. You have more to offer than you know! Giving of your time and self is priceless. 

I hope you enjoyed this week's Tuesday 4 and will continue to participate by joining in HERE.


  1. I enjoyed your questions and answers today.
    Have a great Tuesday my friend.

  2. Tea parties are lovely !
    Whether simple or fancy , they are delightful , simply for the opportunity to share time and conversation with those we love ! I have precious memories of sharing such times with my maternal grandmother , who said "There is no problem so large it cannot be solved over a cup of tea ".
    Wonderful topic and a favorite header , my friend !

  3. I love your art work! I am constantly amazed at God's creation.💖

  4. Yes, your art work is fabulous.. just a pleasure to sit and visit a while!Great postr. YOU hit a soft spot in my heart.. I have such fond memories of wonderful times around tea! That is one thing aobut covid that has me bmmed.. NO opportunities to entertain like I would like!

  5. Thank you, Annie, for making this possible. I finally got my post finished. Had a lot of interruptions today, but I wanted to join in because this is something I enjoy! Loved your post too. Ladies' having tea together is something we need to keep alive in our society. We've lost so much this past year especially, by having to be "socially distanced" from everyone. It is time to start socially encouraging one another in person as often as we can...safely of course, but keep doing it!!

  6. I love having company, but I am sticking to my extremely small bubble and just not doing it right now.

  7. Love your answers! I am that type that likes to sit back and observe, so hosting can scare me! LOL! I do enjoy having coffee though and as I get older it is so nice to just sit back, relax, and chat. Your artwork is amazing! Were you ever into pixel art?

  8. I so want to live in that house in your painting, beautiful. smiles. Thank you Annie for keeping this going. smiles

  9. I like your answers. As your love entertaining 2020 must have been a challenging year for you so let's hope that life soon returns to normal and we can start having our tea parties with friends and family again.

  10. Wow, that's a lot of lights!! Very impressive. I really like photo #2. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I love some heavy cream in my coffee! Enjoyed your answers. Hope you are having a nice weekend.


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