Friday, December 4, 2020

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) 1966

  Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The bridge that inspired this song is The Queensboro Bridge in New York City. Are you near a bridge right now as you answer these 9 questions?
 I am surrounded by bridges as I live by the seashore. There are big draw bridges, little bridges.. all shapes and sizes. 

One bridge is mentioned in the song "My Eyes Adored You" by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.. "walking home evey day, over Barnegat Bridge and Bay". 

Here are some photos of it: (click to enlarge photos)

Driving home over the bridge

 I took this photo at night ...You can just see the bridge lights.


Taken from the car on the way home

Mainland in foreground.. then bridge and bay.. then barrier island and Atlantic Ocean. I live here.

2) Paul Simon says he "loathes" this song and only performs it because fans want to hear it. What's your favorite Paul Simon song? I suppose the 59th Street Bridge Song and Bridge over Troubled Water. 
3) "Groovy" is such a 1960s word. What common word/phrase from 2020 do you predict will sound just as silly and quaint some day?
4) Paul is a lifelong Yankees fan and was thrilled to meet his all-time idol, Joe DiMaggio. Mr. DiMaggio was, at first, less than thrilled to meet Paul because he thought the song "Mrs. Robinson" made fun of him. Once Simon convinced him it was an homage, the men got along fine. Do you have a celebrity encounter to tell us about?
Nothing spectacular or worth mentioning, no.
5) Art Garfunkle was the other half of Simon and Garfunkle. Art and Paul met in sixth grade, when were both in a school production of Alice in Wonderland. Tell us about one of your school theatrical appearances.
 I was in some 9th grade play.. I have no clue wha it was about or called.
6) "Artie" used to love needling Paul about his height -- or lack thereof. He maintained he was trying to be funny, but Paul thought is was mean and says the constant digs hurt. Is there anyone in your life who similarly enjoys teasing?
 . Digs about actual physical things is a nasty cheap aggression by jealous people.
7) Paul told NPR that his impulse to write new music has always come "in bursts." He'll go years without composing, and then he'll write every day for months. Do you often feel creative?
 Yes, so I paint and make things.
8) In 1966, when this song was popular, First Daughter Luci Johnson married Patrick Nugent. Their reception was held at the East Room of the White House. The couple had an 8 ft. tall wedding cake and when the bride threw her bouquet, it was caught by her sister, Lynda. Sure enough, Lynda married a year later. Tell us about a wedding you attended (or your own).
 Umm.. I don't recall all that much about the weddings I went to or participated in.
9) Random question: Which do you regret more -- the times you were cautious or the times your were reckless?
 I don't know how to answer. I guess one time when I was a bit reckless.


  1. Interesting answers and beautiful place where you live! Are you out on the coastal side or the mainland side? I am thinking the coastal, but it looks so small from here and close to the ocean. I know it is beautiful from your pictures, but I guess I would be nervous about living that close to the ocean when the storms come. But I know you are very happy there and that is what matters most! And yes, you ARE very creative. Your paintings are amazing!! I still think they would make a wonderful calendar! I would buy one! :)

  2. Good Morning !
    It is raining now...dark and grey...
    The photos of the Barnegat Bridge are wonderful...I love the way the sun sparkles on the water when crossing...aahhh...
    thank you for another interesting post...wishing you a lovely cup of something hot to drink and all good things,,,always !

  3. Beautiful...hence my thing for Maine, grin. Hornell/its neighborhoods are connected by bridges thanks to the 1970 flood. smiles. Have a great day friend.

  4. I loved living by the sea in Florida--we also lived on a barrier island (Anastasia Island, near St. Augustine), but I don't miss hurricanes and all that nonsense, nor the humidity. I'll take my beautiful high desert any day. Loved your answers :)

  5. Ah...all that water and coast and bridges. Maybe the good Lord will give me a beach house in heaven. Sigh.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't remember much of anything about school plays.

  6. Lots of brides here too, it's so common I don't even think about it. I could be reckless when I was young, although I didn't think of it as reckless at the time. Enjoyed reading your answers, have a good day.

  7. Your photos are beautiful and I love your paintings when you are being creative. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  8. My Eyes Adored You is one of my favorite songs! Great photos.

  9. I have a summer place on Cape Cod. The summers are so much different then off season.

  10. I love your header. How do you paint them? Did you use to own a website prior to Blogger? Happy Sunday Annie!

    1. I paint in acrylic and I transfer to Photoshop and minaturize. I also Just paint them with a tiny photoshop brush.. all done in miniature. No, I have never owned a website, I've been on Blogger since 2004 or 2005. :)

    2. This one of the pine forest was done on a piece of paper in pencil.


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