z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Time again for Sunday Stealing with Bev our hostess.
Yggdrasil or Tree of Life

Star or Angel?  Star as on the Yggdrasil tree in the north pole which I believe was really the tree of life spoken of in all ancient cultures. It  was in the north surrounded by the aurora borealis and the star Polaris was above the tree pointing northward to the throne of God!  There is much truth in ancient lore and history.

White Lights or Colored Lights? both on the same tree alternating

Blinking Lights or Still Lights? both on the same tree

When do you open your gifts? Christmas eve

Do you buy gifts for your pet? If I had pets, yes.

Be honest: What's the worst gift you've ever gotten?  I don't know.

Have you ever traveled for the holiday?  No

Did you see Santa as a child?  I saw him and continue to see him all the time actually.

Can you name all the reindeer? Of course. It's inhuman to not know even if you are not Christian you must know these names or you are doomed to eternity in a badger hole in Arizona.

Have you ever gone caroling? sure. I sing all over the place.

Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights? yes

Have you ever left Santa cookies? yes

Have you ever had a white Christmas? lots of them

Have you ever made a gingerbread house from scratch? From a kit? Kit .. we made a few , including one that fell down so we made it into a WW2 scene of a bombed out wreck of a gingerbread house.

Be honest: Do you think the season is too commercial? Nope. People have a right to make a living and sell things and you have a right to buy whatever the heck you can afford and makes you happy. 
Imagine you were going to create the quintessential holiday soundtrack -- which song(s) absolutely must be included?
 Silver Bells of course!
What are your Christmas pet peeves?  I can't think of any except the answer from the Be Honest question above .

 Tuesday 4 is up.. join in for New  Year Questions!


  1. Great answers. I forgot to leave out cookies for Santa and so now I have to eat them. Oh well...might as well...it's Christmas, after all!! Even though I agree with your answer to the season being too commercial...I still do wish people wouldn't be quite so materialistic when it comes to Christmas. They tend to forget what it is we are celebrating...if they ever knew in the first place. To many people it is just a holiday where you give and get gifts...they really don't know or care why as long as they get them. So that would be my pet peeve...Christmas has become too secularized might be the better term to use. I would love to go Christmas caroling again someday. Maybe next year. This year wasn't a good year to do that. People were too fearful. Which is sad. Praying next year will be 100% better. Happy New Year!

  2. {{{grin}}} Of course, working for the #1 retailer, I do think its commercialized. Then again, I think folks are just dealing with a lot right now, so of course, being ugly just is par for the course. ANYWAYS, I always enjoy your posts, Annie. Have a great week, smiles.

  3. That picture of Yggdrasil is gorgeous. And I love your banner painting...you are so talented!!

  4. Ha! I love your solution to the collapsed gingerbread house!

  5. Though I have read of the tree of life, I have never seen a picture like that. I always like your banner. It was nice of you to tag me today. I don't think you saw my last Tuesday 4 and I had pictures of me as a little kid and teen at Christmas. Just thought you would want to know since it was a Tuesday 4. I am going to check out the next set of questions.

  6. Hello , my friend !
    I agree with all your answers and so look forward to the season's arrival !
    Months are spend deciding on , finding and wrapping just the right gift for each person...just a delighted little elf...so happy to bring happiness to those precious to me...so grateful for the many gifts received from God !
    Hope joy was spread to all of you !


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