z Cottage by the Sea : Monday Thoughts
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, January 4, 2021

Monday Thoughts

Autumn is the time of year I love best.  I am sitting at my desk and just finished watching "ThinkFast Mr. Moto" starring Peter Lorre as detective Mr. Moto.

Autumn 2020
I enjoy Mr. Moto, Charlie Chan, etc.  I noticed that it is only 3:30 in the afternoon
  and already quite dark outside.    The atmosphere seems late autumnish to coin a word. A bit windy, very chilly , dark and a bit gloomy.  But you see, I like that combination very much. I enjoy the privacy of a gloomy day, the sound and feel of the wind and the bracing feeling of cold air. It makes me feel safe and alive.  So, all of a sudden my love for autumn weather struck me very powerfully.  

Winter is fine;I do like the cold. I love the decorations of the winter holidays too.  Spring is not a favorite as I find it damp and nasty. While the flowers and trees are lovely they are fragile and short lived. Spring is a promise of

In Autumn even the sunsets take on orange hues.

something that never quite delivers. Summer is beautiful if humidity stays away but autumn just outshines them all in my estimation.
Each season shines with it's own light and there is something great to find in each one.

Which are your favorites?

all photos taken by me in my neighborhood. Polaroid effect done with Photoshop by me.



  1. Everybody knows fall and winter are my favorites. I love the change of seasons, and I love the snow. smiles

  2. Great photos! I love those kind of days too, something cozy about them. With that said, I also like when they are gone and the sun returns. Is that considered fickle? I don't know. We really don't have much of a winter, it's more like fall until spring. Spring is also good, it's summer that I don't like. The heat and humidity makes me tired. lol

  3. Your photos always bring out the best of every season !
    As for winter , it is difficult for me to stay warm , regardless of layering , and shoveling snow has long lost its allure !
    For me , there is an exciting anticipation for Spring...a reaffirmation of renewal
    and hope...to say nothing of the light , sweet floral scent in the air and sound of
    flirty birdsong !
    At present , winter is good for hunkering down and making bread to serve with the hearty soup bubbling gently on the stove ! (next on my To Do list !)
    Have a lovely day !


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