z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, January 9, 2021


Pre school is dangerous. It just really is. I know kindergarten was taking your life in your hands.. I was there. This kid backs me up. 



Here is Sunday Stealing:

1. What are your plans for January?  To live life normally despite the crap from the elite morons who govern the planet and make things up as they go along.
2. What do you want to see happen in 2021?   To hear someone in media condemn the summer destruction, fires, beatings of innocents and murders that went on. in other words an end to the cheap hypocrisy in the news.
3.  What would you give a 5 star rating? God. Always a class act.
4. Do you have writing goals for 2021?  Nope. Can't be bothered. But I will continue to do my grocery list as usual perhaps with new twists and turns in the plot!
5. How do you feel about memoirs?  Whose? Depends on who wrote them. Some stink, some don't.
6. If you could join any musical group who would you choose? Beatles so I could run them into the toilet where they belonged.
7. What are your favorite genres across all media?  I like mysteries, histories , anthropology, etc.

8. What candle scents are your favorite?  Pine and winter scents.
9. How well can you mimic other accents or voices?   some  very well, some not so well.
10. What books are on your TBR list in 2021?  The books I was given on real British history by Wilson and Blackette.
11. When do you decide it’s time to upgrade/buy something new? when the old thing no longer works.
12. Why is your favorite color your favorite color?    Because it is.
13. Who understands you the best?     God 
14. Do you write letters?   Not if I can help it, no.
15. How do you keep going when times are hard? I keep on keeping on. I keep the faith and realize this world is not what it should be and is becoming more and more 10th world as time goes by.


  1. What you said times 10, especially #1. I've trimmed my sails, put down anchor, and oiled the cannons. Now, just waiting to see who's gonna lead the charge to water the Tree of Liberty. Guess time will tell if we still have men in this Country, or not. Keep praying. xx

  2. You can always count on God! Loved your answers. Have a nice day.


  3. God is watching us, from a distance. But, we have the rule of law, and it just might surface after being pounded down the shredder for the last four years.

    I love the little girl! And your droll answers! Thank you for them!
    Stay tune because, as Olivia Dukakis says in the movie, "Moonstruck", "It ain't over "til it's over." Who knows what else is going to hit the fan before that madman is safely straitjacketed?

  4. My hope is in the Lord...He will carry us through to a safe harbor. Meanwhile, I learned through my genealogy research this past summer that I am a daughter of the Revolution (D.A.R.)...I didn't join the organization, but it somehow gives me a sense of strength and power to know that my ancestors were active in securing our freedom from the King of England. I have revolution in my genes...and I just may have to call those genes back into action if things keep going the way they are going. I Like what Sparky said above...and I think I'll go join her platoon.... Keep the faith dear friend. We are on the right side...God is still in Control...and He will not fail...

  5. I read a verse this morning in Psalm 37 (actually the whole chapter is awesome and very fitting for this time) that talks about God holding our hand. That is just so awesome to me. If God is holding my hand, then I can make it through whatever happens.

  6. Wonderful post !
    Straightforward , honest and pertinent !
    Once we were put out of the Garden , we reaped the rewards of our own stupidity .
    Staying close to God , keeping your corner clean and trying not to hurt anyone is a great place to start doing things right .
    Here's to doing it God's way !


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