z Cottage by the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, January 9, 2021

All Shook Up

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Saturday 9: All Shook Up (1957)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
Chosen because January 8 is the anniversary of Elvis Presley's birth.

1) In this song, Elvis shares quite a list of maladies: he's itching, his hands are shaky, his knees are weak, he has chills ... How are you feeling this morning?
Well I do this on Friday... and I am kind of okay today. Not great but okay.

2) He also mentions being "tongue tied." The dictionary defines it as, "unable to speak freely, as from shyness." Do you often find yourself tongue tied?   Sometimes yes.

3) Even after he was wealthy, Elvis never lived away from his parents. At one point Graceland Mansion was home to four generations of the family: his grandmother, his father and stepmother, Elvis, his wife and daughter. Have you ever lived in a multi-generational household? 

Most of my life, yes. Its the only way to live if you have a decent family. My grandmother and I shared a bedroom until I was almost 14.

4) Thinking of family, Elvis Presley was a distant cousin of President Jimmy Carter. Both of their family trees can be traced back to the 18th century and Thomas Preslar (before the surname was changed to Presley in the early 1800s). Have you traced your ancestry? If not, is it something you'd like to do?  Yes I have looked into it a bit.
5) As an adult, Elvis never wore denim (except for a movie role). That's because when he was in school, his classmates teased him for "dressing poor" in jeans and coveralls. Is denim a big part of your wardrobe today?  Sometimes I do but not for going out, no.

6) Before becoming famous, Elvis drove a truck in and around Memphis. Have you ever had a job that kept you behind the wheel most of the day?     No. I drove a truck when I was doing horses though and so that was for a number of years but not all day long.

7) In 1957, the year this song was a hit, the Allstate Mechanical Freight Set was popular, too. Kids would wind up the engine and watch it pull two cars and a caboose around the track. To enhance the realism, sparks would shoot from the engine's smoke stack as it rumbled by. Did you ever play with a toy train? If not, tell us about a childhood plaything you remember fondly.

Oh yes. I had several train sets.. I am a railfan. I had two HO scales sets in my lifetime. Love model trains!

8) The best-selling book of 1957 was Peyton Place, a scandalous tale of life in a small New England town. Do you suppose there are enough steamy stories behind closed doors in your town to fill a novel?

Of course! There are stories and scandals in every town around the world.  I like the movie Peyton Place and Return to Peyton Place too. Sometimes they are on YouTube.

9) Random question: Can you do 10 push ups? Probably, yes.


  1. Interesting answers...I am impressed that you can probably do 10 push ups! I'd be surprised if I could do one, but maybe I should at least try. My upper body strength is not that great. I just had to pack away my train set and village. We had a lot of fun over the holidays with it. I am so glad we decided to bring it out this year. Now I expect we will do that every year. Wearing jeans is pretty much standard attire down here where we live. This is a very casual atmosphere. But in the spring and summer I wear capris most of the time. I think it is wonderful that you lived in the same house with your grandparents, and that you were so close to your grandmother. I bet she could tell you some interesting stories from her past...did you ever think to write them down? I wish I could have been closer to my grandparents and that I would have been smart enough to ask them more questions...but when you are a child/teenager you don't think about the past much. So much history was lost. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. What a fun theme! And you can do 10 push ups? I'm impressed! Enjoy your day and weekend!

  3. I am impressed you can do push-ups--the guys do them every morning--trying to outdo each other, sigh. lol

  4. I also am impressed that you can do 10-push-ups!
    Have a great day.

  5. WoW Annie, 10 push-ups, that's great. If I got down I probably couldn't get up, sad but true. Enjoyed visiting today, hope your day is happy and blessed.

  6. I cannot do 10 push-ups. Maybe if they are the girl ones where your knees are on the floor, but not actual push-ups. I love trains too! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  7. HO trains and one postage stamp train were what we had growing up. When we got our grandson a Lionel last year we went bigger and got him an O scale Mickey Mouse Christmas train. I thought it would hold up to him and his little sister better than the smaller ones.

  8. I loved living with my maternal grandparents with my aunts who were the wives of soldiers away in Europe with my dad. It was great.
    10 push ups is amazing! Huzzah!

  9. Another interesting post !
    Thank you for taking the time to bring us such wonderful opportunities to learn and grow !
    Wishing you peace and joy...


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