z Cottage by the Sea : Weekend...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, March 19, 2021


Thursday night and the wind is howling, the air is cold and the falling rain is glistening on the roadway outside my home.   It is like autumn rather than so nearly spring time.   But inside  is warm and cozy and my fluffy bed is calling to me. It is late and I am so very tired.  

I leave you with only two photos this week, both of the bay and the sky. My life is so tied in with both of them.....


  1. Those are good views to be tied into. It's sunny and warmed up here. The grass is turning green, the flowers are waking up, and the Hummingbirds are here! Yippee! Love my 'hummin' bees'. *lol* Well, love all the wild birds. They're the best kind of entertainment.
    Hope your day is blessed! xx

  2. It was very windy here last night and turned colder today after a week of 80's. I had to pull my sweatshirt back out. But spring is still springing all around us. New leaves on the trees... I love spring green leaves, don't you? Have a blessed weekend.


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