z Cottage by the Sea : Saturday 9 House Bones
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, April 9, 2021

Saturday 9 House Bones


Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) They lyrics compare a relationship to a house, saying that despite superficial problems like peeling paint or broken glass, the foundation can still be solid and strong. What home improvement project is next on your list?
I need a new roof.. my kitchen counters are caving in, my kitchen sink is rusted out.. my toilet is listing to port..the bathroom floor is going south and the shower floor is about gone.

2) Maren Morris sings that she knows she and her lover can face any storm. Are you afraid of thunder and lightening?  Not afraid.. cautious of lightnings danger however. Thunder has made me jump at high elevations though.


3) The video for this song shows Maren and her husband, singer/songwriter Ryan Hurd, on the beach in Maui. Would you rather go for a long walk along a beach or a hike in the woods?
 I live by the beach.. and while I like hiking in woods, I prefer the beach.

4) "The Bones" won Morris and her collaborators (Jimmy Robbins and Laura Veltz) the 2020 CMA "Song of the Year" Award. Here's your chance to pat yourself on the back. What's something you have done well lately? (Go ahead. We want to hear about it!) 
 The things that count to me, as far as success goes, are the daily things that are done. People cared for, people helped, house organized and cleaned... those are my well done things. Anyone can have major biggies in their life from time to time but good character is displayed on a day to day basis.. doing the necessary and the mundane on a regular basis. This is something to aim for.

5) The song was also nominated for a Grammy for Best Country Song. For the awards show last month, Maren put a lot of work into her look, including lightening her hair and lipstick and reshaping her brows. She was surprised when saw on social media that people confused her with reality star Khloe Kardashian. How long does it take you to prepare to face the world (on an average day, not for an internationally telecast awards show)?  
I can be ready in 10 to 15 minutes or so, sometimes far less.
6) Experimenting with hair and makeup comes naturally to Maren. Her parents have owned the same hair salon for decades. She and her sister played there as children and took turns working the reception desk when they were in high school. Do you have a hair appointment scheduled?
 I can't afford to get my hair done. I cut it myself, etc.

7) Mom and Dad do not go out of their way to play Maren's songs in their salon. They don't want to "bombard" clients with her music, just because she's their daughter. But, if one of Maren's songs happens to come on, they are naturally very proud. Where were you the last time you had to listen to someone else's choice of music? (Bank, doctor's office, friend's car, etc.) Did you enjoy it, or did you wish you could change the station?
 I find it awful to have to listen to some kinds of music in a restaurant or public place especially when its jarring, loud, obnoxious.
8) Maren says her favorite foods are tacos and tortillas. When did you most recently eat Mexican food?
I made some chili not long ago.
9) Random question: What do you call that thing in your living room? Is it a sofa, couch, or a davenport?
I call it a sofa. My parents called it a couch.


  1. Good Morning , my friend !
    Sorry about your "Needs Doing " list...Spring is a time of new beginnings...hang in there...
    Bob Marley's Three Birds say "everything's gonna be alright "...and so it will .
    Wishing you peace...

  2. 9 interesting list....love taco (no.8 list)

    Have a great day

  3. Tacos was one of my fav's at one time. Now it's keto chili (no beans) that Steve makes. Yum!
    I can be ready fairly fast. Not one for much makeup nowadays and my haircut is easy breezy. No more long hair for me with all my shoulder and neck pain.
    So sorry to hear the homestead needs so much work. That must be very trying. I wish I could do something to help.
    Blessings. xx

  4. I am sorry about the house...wish there was something I could do to help...I miss our talks...sigh.

  5. I hope you can get your house in shape soon. That can be worrisome. We need new windows in ours. And I love walking on the beach too and imagine myself there all the time! Happy weekend!

  6. I didn't know it but I really liked the music. And the post you made from the music is very good.
    Good weekend.
    Coisas de Feltro

  7. Love your header picture! There’s a lot of work needing doing in my house too. But, life goes on. Happy days to you! 🌸

  8. Hi Annie:
    Hope you can get your house worked on, it's such a worrisome thing.
    Like your answer to #4.
    Oh my, if I cut my own hair it would look terrible.
    Have a good Saturday.


  9. We need a new roof too. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  10. I've been praying God would find a way to help you with your home repairs. I wish I knew someone with money and/or skills who could help, but everyone I know is down south. but God knows who and how. I like walking on the beach, but don't have many opportunities to do so, so walking in the woods is what I really like the most (and we do that every day). I like Mexican food and try to make something once a week like burritos or tacos or taco salad. Since I got another perm my hair is much easier to care for and doesn't take long to brush and go. Speaking of which, I need to go wash my hair before I go to bed, so better get going. Good night. Take care my friend.

  11. I think you are very blessed to live where you do. Sorry that there are so many things that need to be repaired. I would love to redo our floors too, but not in our budget. I cut my own hair once during Covid and it was okay. My hair is curly so it was hard to cut the layers. I like your header! Happy Sunday!

  12. Yes, you are spot on with your answer to #4. Have a good week!


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