z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Changes
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Changes

soring changes so much.. It was 100°  a couple days ago.. now its 60° and windy.. cold by comparison and storms seem to be coming in.

We are doing home hospice now. Not easy but, necessary.  Prayers welcome friends.

 Birds do a fly over  the water in the early evening.

The cove reflect the setting sun with pinks and blues.


  1. Such wonderful photos. I like storms and am wishing it would rain here.
    Prayers for you and your friend. Remember to take care of yourself too. xx

  2. So sorry your are doing home hospice. I can't even imagine how hard it must be. I will pray for you. Love your photos, especially that last one.

  3. Keeping you in prayer...wish I lived closer. smiles

  4. Greetings and Salutations! Sending thoughts and prayers your way. I am a caregiver too. Life isn't easy for you. Take time out for yourself.

  5. Wonderful sky shots! You are in my prayers for sure.


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