z Cottage by the Sea : Spending Time
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Spending Time

 It's time for Tuesday 4 started by Toni Taddeo and kept up in her memory.. are you ready to answer some questions?  Its a great way to discover more about yourself and others, make friends and have topics to blog about.

This week let's talk about spending time

1.Are you currently reading a book you'd like to tell us about? Maybe a TV program you can recommend to us?  

I highly recommend Midsomer Murders. There are over 20 some seasons for you to watch. The stories are good and the scenery is usually very nice. I can imagine though that there are far better things to do with your time than murder stories... Go back and watch the Waltons again..now those were great stories.

2. Are you a Jane Austen fan? So many seem to be. If you are what is your favorite book and who is your favorite character.  If you aren't a fan, is there an author you especially like to read? Favorite character..etc?

I like the character of Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice as I can relate to her a little bit.  I am a fan of the movies more than the books which I find a bit tedious to read.  Jane Austen was a great student of  interpersonal relations and the culture of the time wasn't she?

3.  How do you spend your time during the day?  Do you set apart time to read, watch TV, study?

My days are spent cleaning and keeping the house, studying anthropology and religion, exercising and enjoying the outdoors. I set apart time for learning daily.

4. Have your beliefs changed in your life time? New religion.. new politics? Or are they the same as they were growing up? Do you spend time thinking over the important things of life to take stock in your life? 

Yes, my beliefs have changed very dramatically but I don't really like to discuss that with people.

I do take stock of myself quite often as I find much room for improvement. 


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog post today Annie. It's always interesting to see how different women answer the same questions. I hope you are doing well and that you are getting enough rest for your care taking. God bless and give you strength each day.

  2. I spend my days doing housekeeping and laundry.
    Have a good Tuesday.


  3. Of all my blog friends, you are definitely one of the most interesting. Someone I would enjoy sitting down with to discuss things...like what we are learning. Have a beautiful day!

  4. Midsomer Murders is on YouTube for free. I've watched just about all of 'em up to the new Barnaby. Can't quite get into the "new" guy. I like the original Barnaby with his soft Wales accent and his sweet wife. Some of the stories are really interesting. British shows are so much better than American TV shows.
    I enjoyed your answers, like always.
    Blessings. xx

  5. I really enjoyed The Waltons and Little House on the Prairie. I love to watch the Hallmark series called When Call the Heart. If I lived where you do, I would be outside as much as possible!

  6. Wow, that's a lot of seasons! I like how you spend your days. Take care.

  7. I am happy to see some other Midsomer Murder fans here...we just started watching it recently and are hooked on it. I'm glad there's a lot of series to watch. That's kind of keeping me from doing much reading these days. Thank you for doing this. I am sorry I didn't post it today. Had other things on my mind, and also we were busy this morning with AC repairman, etc., and then had our kids here for spaghetti supper. I've been kind of just mentally tired lately and can't seem to get much energy for writing or reading, so I've become lax here. I hope to get better and back at it soon. I think I need some geritol. LOL. Or vita meta vegimen...LOL. Have a good night and take care my friend.

  8. As always, Ann, I knew what your were going to say...smiles. Anyways, apologies for not being around, I am just to dog darn tired, smiles.

  9. Hi Ann, I have tried reading Jane Austin but I find them difficult to get into. Which is odd because I love the movies! I hope you have a wonderful day!


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