z Cottage by the Sea : Saturday 9... Mom

Friday, May 7, 2021

Saturday 9... Mom

I am not posting as much as usual and its been a while since I have posted regularly. Things have piled up around me so it has not been easy. I am joining with Saturday 9 this week..
Saturday 9: Mom (2016)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Thank you Sam for these questions!

1) Meghan Trainor's mom gets a vocal credit on this song ("featuring Kelli Trainor") because the audio of a mother/daughter phone call is included on the recording. Who is the last person you spoke to (not texted!) on the phone?
2) The earliest version of this song was a poem co-written by Meghan and her brother as a gift to their mom. Do you enjoy writing/crafting/baking or [insert your skill here] gifts for people? I have witten songs for people on piano.

3) Meghan's mom ran Jewel of the Isle, a jewelry store in Nantucket, MA. Have you ever visited Massachusetts? If so, where have you gone?  I have been to Massachusetts. I've been all over.

4) Mother's Day is a big holiday for card shops. So are birthdays, weddings, and dozens of other special occasions. Hallmark sells greetings for everything from "Congratulations on Your New Job" to "Happy Retirement." Who received the most recent card you bought?
Many people when I sent out Cards for holidays.

5) While Crazy Sam was growing up, her mother used to scold her for leaving dirty dishes in the sink. Sam admits it: as an adult she still puts off washing her dishes. Are you more like mother or daughter? Do you clean up after every meal, or do you let the dishes stack up?   I usually clean up right away, but if my spine is hurting badly.. I let it go.

6) Mother's Day is for grandmothers, too. Sam grew up calling her grandmother "Grandgran." What did you call your grandmother?  I called them both Nanny

7) The German word for "mother" is "mutter." What other German words do you know? Hello, goodbye, stuff like that.

8) In the United Kingdom, Mothering Sunday is celebrated. It's on the fourth Sunday in Lent (March 14 this year) and in addition to flowers and cards, mothers are treated to Simnel cake. Are you going to indulge in any sweets this weekend?  maybe I will make myself pancakes for breakfast on mother's day.

9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away her mother's favorite: Hershey Bars! Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or milk chocolate with almonds?
I will pass on the chocolate, but thanks anyway. I do like almonds though.


  1. Sometimes we just have to put blogging to the side while we live life and take care of "business", whatever that may be...family, friends, illness, work, etc. I haven't been posting quite as much either. Brain fatigue... I appreciated your answers. My grandmothers were both called "Grandma",(and so was my mother) but my husband's mother was called "Nanny", and so was her mother. I am also known as Grandma to my one grandson. I have to pass on the chocolate too, but if I have to eat it, make it dark please. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. You're busy doing something good for a loved one. I hope you can rest and pace yourself. Nothing lasts forever, good or bad. This too shall pass. I haven't been posting much either. Got things going on. Social Media is taking the absolute backest of burners until I have time, the inclination and the inspiration to do otherwise.
    I have been to Massachusetts too. The people were so rude. I'll probably never return but the only thing of note was there were acres and acres of flooded cranberry fields. That was quite a marvel. Aw, well, I much prefer Nature anyway.
    Eating Keto I've given up almost all sugar and most carb's, so, I would have to pass on the chocolate too. If I want anything with that flavor I have Mocha flavored coffee by New England. It's so yummy and no sugar.
    Hope you can rest and have a pleasant evening. xx

  3. Pancakes for mother's day breakfast sounds yummy.
    Have a nice day.


  4. Pancakes sound good, Annie. Wishing you a beautiful Mother's Day my friend.

  5. As I write this in a cottage by the sea. I am about a 1/4 mile from Cape Cod bay and less than a mile from the ocean.
    #2 That's so cool!
    #5 I know what you mean, I'm 6 foot and washing dishes kills my back. I am planning on getting new cabinets for the kitchen and want to see if I can get them 4 inches higher.

  6. I agree that #2 is super cool. What a great gift! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  7. I am sorry your spine hurts. Mine hurts now and then and I have to be careful with lifting since I have osteoporosis. Now I am thinking of banana pancakes with walnuts! Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Happy Mothers Day. Here in Portugal we celebrate on the first Sunday in May.
    Coisas de Feltro

  9. Happy Saturday Annie! I think that would be an awesome gift to receive (a song on the piano). So nice and thoughtful! Pancakes are my favorite breakfast food to eat but I am terrible at making them. Haha! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs

  10. Thank you for this post !
    By the way...GORGEOUS header !!!
    Enjoy your pancakes and family ...
    wishing you good health , peace , prosperity...
    may all you dearest dreams come true !


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