z Cottage by the Sea : Summer Time and the Living is Easy
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Summer Time and the Living is Easy

Tuesday 4 is up and late I realize but its been a very difficult week. So much going on.. none of it very good and I have some extremely heavy decisions to make,            But its up now and I hope you will join in even later in the week if you can.  I will try to do better from now on.

Summer Time!

Welcome! We remember Toni Taddeo with her Tuesday 4... Once again I am late. Upheavals on the home front as it is not easy to care for a cancer patient who is fully dependent. I am sorry. I will try to do better.  

Summertime is coming fast friends... June 21st I believe....

Let's discuss summer this week...

1. What emotions and feelings does summer conjure up for you?

A bit of everything. I don't like humidity but I do like the activities of summer.. the sounds and the ocean in summer time. So the emotion is both love and dislike.

2. What's summer weather like in your neck of the woods?  We are semi-tropical so its hot in summer and usually humid too.  By the ocean here in NJ we are usually in the high 70s to 80s with occasional days in the 90s. It rarely goes beyond that but it has in the past from time to time.

3. Got some special summer meals you and your family enjoy? I love making tuna salad mixed with lettuce, carrots, tomato.. mayo and balsamic vinegar and spices!   I also make spaghetti squash with meat sauce and of course I love hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimming like potato salad in summer. Grilled veggies and corn are great too!

4. What do you enjoy doing in summer? Sports, trips.. do you go on vacation? Can't afford vacations but  I live at the beach so that's not a big deal.  I spend time at the water in summer, go to parks, walks on trails, and I love picnics in the yard with family and friends.   I adore the 4th of July.

Thanks for joining in.


  1. There are times I wished I lived on the beach! I love being there and haven't had a chance to go on day trips this past year. Enjoy your day!

  2. Ah, to live at the beach...we live in NY state, 20 minutes south of Lake Ontario, so I can't complain too much. With it's sandy beaches and big waves, it's rather like the ocean. If we want calmer waters, we can go to any one of the Finger Lakes, one being 20 minutes south of us. Then there are the Adirondack mountains a few hours to the north, northeast, filled with...mountains and lakes! So we go to lots of different beaches, day trips, some camping trips. I LOVE the beach. I don't like humidity much, but I do adore summer time, with bare feet, and jumping in the pool....

  3. HI Annie, Hugs to you for what's going on in your life right now. I am not a big fan of summer myself but I do like what it has to offer in terms of activities; as I like to say. :) We live sandwiched between 2 of the Great Lakes, so the beaches are plentiful around here. Hope you have a really good day. Hugs

  4. So sorry you going through such hard stuff. It sounds like your average weather is just about perfect and then to have the beach right there. Awesome!

  5. I'm with you on #1. I absolutely dislike Summer. It's gosh awful hot and humid by August and early September. It's not my favorite time of year. So, I try not to travel or be outside much. Thank the Lord (literally) for good Air Conditioning!
    Take good care of yourself too. Sending prayers.
    Blessings. xx

  6. Sooooo jealous of your living at the beach! I've never been to the New Jersey shore, but the shore at Chincoteague and Assateague are my favorite places in the world and I imagine they are fairly similar so I would love it there. I'm with you, humidity SUCKS! I'm afraid, though, that not even your recipe makes tuna salad sound appealing. Hope you're having a good week!

  7. I am sorry for the difficulties you are facing with your loved one so ill. Praying for you to have strength to keep going, and for wisdom regarding decisions. Summertime in Florida is hot and humid. Not my favorite season at all. We would love to be able to afford to go somewhere cooler for the summer months, but that won't happen. So we are thankful for AC. You are blessed to be near the beach. We are just far enough away to make it a bit of a chore to get there often, but I always enjoy walking on the beach when we do go. We may have to do more of t hat this summer. I will try to do this post this week sometime. Right now is it pouring rain, which we needed! But there is also lightning and wind, so I think I will go for now. Blessings to you dear friend.

  8. Been keeping you in prayer and sending you lots of hugs. I sure want to visit you and spend time, smiles

  9. Greetings !
    As The Summer Girl , that season was my favorite , as it was the only one when I felt warm !!!
    Lately , that humidity seems to suck the life out of me . Summer has become a mad dash from one A/C
    to another ! Joys of advancing age , I guess , but still grateful for the gift of each day...
    the opportunities for growth and blessings tucked into each one !
    You , my dear , are wrapped in the prayers of all who love you !!!


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