z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing.. Memorial Day Truth
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sunday Stealing.. Memorial Day Truth

My contribution for Memorial Day:

Stolen from Journal Buddies
1. When do you feel the world will stop? The world is eternal. "et in saecula saeculorum" World without end.  It will never stop. Not ever.
2. What is your personal motto? Everyone is not all one thing.
3. What is the greatest gift you ever received? The love of God
4. Who is  a leader who inspires you?  No one is this world. They are all a mess.
5. What irrationally annoys you more than anything else?  The irrational fear of the illness. Doesnt bother me as much as I feel great sorrow for people who have this monkey on their back.

6. What small thing can always bring you a bit of joy? Moonpie Starbox
7. What is your favorite thing to do on a lazy day? Be laid back!
8. How often do you take risks? Every day.
9. Write about your happiest memory. There are so many that I cannot single one out.

10. How long do you think it will be before we see a female president?  Personally I hope never. Women are not suited to the office. We won't argue this or at least I won't argue with you over it but after long consideration I know it is a correct thought.
11. Do you think it’s important to be part of a community?  Why? Why not? Depends on the community. Sometimes it is and other times it is a huge mistake.
12. What piece of modern technology are you most grateful to have.  Electricity and  central heating.
13. Do you feel anonymous on line? Only when I want to be.
14. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have never gotten around to. Golf.Over all I like the idea of being outside all day but, then again I am not sure I would be very good at it and it is an expensive hobby.
15. What would life be like without the internet?  Smarter, easier over all.  Days were longer without the constant flow of information. People were happier. The bible warns of knowing too much. You over load on things and the mind become anxious and too busy, unable to shut down which, from time to time, is necessary for rest and sanity.  We learned better before the internet as well. It took time and energy and digging to find information you needed. All this exercised the brain and the character!  
Over all, we were better off without it. No one missed it.. we were smarter and happier I think;


  1. I think Golda Meir , Indira Gandhi , Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel might disagree with you ...

  2. I agree with you #10...to which we already discussed(grin). ANYWAYS...I also agree with #15, but then again, we would of never met, grin.

  3. #3 - Yes. Hands down.
    #15 - One big plus about the internet is it does bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to many who would otherwise not have it. But, I agree, we were much happier before the information overload and the Big Tech tyranny.
    Blessings. xx


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