z Cottage by the Sea : Simply the Best...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, May 31, 2021

Simply the Best...

Welcome to Tuesday 4!


 Here is an older Tuesday 4 from Toni

1.   What was the best thing you have ever bought?
        My piano! It gets lots of use and  I enjoy it very much. The Famous Anonymous also loves playing it when she is around.
2.   What was the best book you have ever read?
     I am sure I had an answer for this last time but since then I have to say I just can't name one that is the best. There are many that are interesting, some very good, but, I just can't seem to think of one that would be the best of all.
 3.   What is the best food you've ever eaten?
  It is a toss up between Delmonico's in NYC and The Russian Tea Room in NYC. Both have excellent food.  They are quite expensive, but, the food is well worth it.  I believe Delmonicos has gone out of business because of the shut down. A true shame as it was in business since the 1800's.  It was featured in the movie Life With Father.If you've not seen Life With Father, try to watch it. You will not be sorry as it is very entertaining and features a very young Elizabeth Taylor as well!/
4.   What was the best movie or TV series you've ever watched?    I will go with TV series..  There are a few that I have really enjoyed  a lot.  The last one that I really liked was Miss Fischer Mysteries, an Australian TV program set in the 1920s.  It ended far too quickly.  I also completely loved Hercule Poirot and the Miss Marples series too.

 I hope you are enjoying these and will continue to bear with me as I try to post new questions each week.  It is a big difficult right now as I have someone in home hospice right now and  I am often busy right now.  Let me know if there is a topic or questions you would like to hear answers too and I will make a post based on your ideas.  Just contact me here in comments!



  1. Great answers. I haven't posted this one yet. I've been reading others' responses trying to get some inspiration this morning. Your piano sounds like it would definitely be a "BEST purchase". I know that would bring you and your granddaughter many hours/days/years of enjoyment. Oh, you mentioned the movie "Life with Father"...I played a part in that play at a community theater when I was in high school. I was one of the red headed maids. There were three redheads in my class at school, and we each got a part in that play because "Father" liked redheaded maids! I should watch that movie again. I am very sorry your loved one is in hospice care. Praying for her (?) comfort and peace, and also for you as you must help care for this dear one. May God give you strength for each day. Thank you again for hosting this. I wish I was more help, but I guess I really don't do well with the memes. But I enjoy reading others' responses. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Hi Annie:
    I did see "Life With Father", it is an excellent movie and worth watching.
    Sorry about your someone in home hospice! Will be praying for you and your someone.
    Have a good day.


  3. Another interesting post !
    This is a lovely way to begin my day...thank you !
    You are wrapped in the prayers of those who care about you...
    for strength , healing and peace...

  4. Thank you for keeping this up and going, Ann. Keeping you in prayer as the days get more and more difficult.

  5. I am praying for you Annie. I am so sorry you have someone in hospice care. That is very difficult. Loved your answers. Have a nice week.


  6. Sorry this is such a strain. We all sure do appreciate your efforts to keep this alive. You are very appreciated.
    I've heard of the The Russian Tea Room in NYC. It sounds like an excellent place to have a meal. I wish we had neat places like that in our area but we're a rural community. Our restaurants and haunts are more homestyle.
    The Miss Fischer Mysteries did end to soon. I also enjoyed The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries starring Diana Rigg. If you get a chance, watch those. They're fun.
    Here's a couple of ideas for Tuesday 4 (don't know if they've already been covered):
    1. Music. What kind of music do you enjoy? Are you musical?
    2. Travel. Where have we been? What's your favorite destination(s)?
    3. Occupations. Did you end up working at what you wanted to be? Do you wish you'd done something else, if so, what? etc.
    Hope that helps!
    Blessings & prayers. xx

  7. I hope everything goes well with hospice. I volunteered with hospice here and met some wonderful caring people. I like the shows you mentioned too! Wish they had made more in those series!


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