z Cottage by the Sea : Questions...???
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


  Welcome to Tuesday 4 in honor of Toni Taddeo...

1. Do you have a favorite movie to recommend? 

You've Got Mail, Metropolitan (Whit Stillman's movie), The Majestic, The Saint, The Illusionist, Moonstruck, The Desk Set, An Affair to Remember, Airport 1970, Pink Panther, Adam's Rib, Bishop's Wife, A Christmas Carol.   This list is from my profile.  A Christmas Carol is my all time favorite book and the George C. Scott version is my favorite movie, not because of Christmas but because of the message which applies no matter what your religious beliefs. The message is that it costs little to be kind and thoughtful to others. It does a good job of showing that.

2. Do you have a schedule for your day or do you wing it?   I wing it almost always.  Since my back went south things have to be that way.  When I was giving hospice care it was even more that way.

3. What are you  eating/cooking  lately?   I stay away from carbs almost completely. I am a meat and veggie girl with an occasional orange thrown in for good measure!     When kids were home I used to make my own bread, my own mayonnaise, my own turkey salami.. all that good stuff and cooking was more adventurous!

4.  Do you surf on your computer? Tell us about it, won't you?

I read on Twitter, and I look at what my friends post on Facebook. I  have a ton of YouTube channels that I am fond of and learn a lot from as well.  I also watch movies on YouTube, Netflix, Hulu...but I can also get them on my television.

 Thank you for joining in. I have been awol lately because of death in the family and now because of uncertainly in life but I am trying to keep up with Tuesday 4 at least.  I hope my visiting around picks up more as days go by.  I would appreciate prayers for my situation as it isn't an easy road right now. Thank you friends for your kind words over the years. I have made some lovely friends on the internet over the years. 

I went out for the first time in a long time Saturday night. We went to the rodeo which was wonderful as I've not been in years and it used to be a regular thing when I lived in Utah. As some of you know I love barrel racing and I got my fill Saturday night!     New Jersey's Cowtown rodeo is the oldest and longest running rodeo in the United States.

It's a dark, cool, rainy day today and I am grateful for it....


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks I sure need it right now. Things falling apart around me.

  2. I do the YouTube route also and "cast" our shows to the TV with Google ChromeCast. The first version wasn't real reliable but now that we have the second generation ChromeCast, I'm real happy with it. I keep meaning to look into Hulu. The only thing I miss about satellite TV are some of the reno shows on HGTV, like Home Town and Good Bones.
    So sorry things are falling apart around you. I pray that life will improve soon.
    Blessings. xx

  3. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers, Annie. I am so sorry for the recent loss in your family and then your own health situation. Praying that things will begin to calm down for you and fall into place. I am sorry I didn't do this one today as I had some things going on this morning and haven't felt real well today either. But I love to see what others have written. It's always fun to visit even if I can't reciprocate with my own post. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for you and me both! We have had a very stormy rainy afternoon here. But that's okay. we still need the rain. Take care my friend and may God bless you and comfort you.

  4. Enjoyable answers and prayers for you and all that you are dealing with. May the Lord give you peace and comfort during this time.

  5. I wish i could just cut out carbs!! I am just now getting slowly back into working out. Keeping you and yours in our thoughts and prayers. It sounds like you are trying to manage quite a bit on your plate. God Bless you!!!

  6. I like a lot of the same movies that you do and TRY to limit my carbs! I hope this week is better for you! Sweet hugs, Diane

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss and I will pray for you.

  8. That's a great list of movies. I like doing low carb but have to get more strict about it. I've gotten off course because of my husbands love for bread! So sorry for your loss. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. prayers going up for your loss!!! love your movie list. hope you have a great week

  10. So sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences. Praying.

  11. My dear friend ,
    May you be comforted and sustained , with all needs met , now and always...
    may this next chapter of your life be a happy , healthy and secure one .
    So thankful for your friendship !


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