Monday, July 5, 2021


Hello Friends. Here is my own Tuesday 4 in honor of our dear friend Toni Taddeo.


 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 kept up in her memory.

This week the questions were supplied by Pamela Steiner... Here we go, let's talk about Blogging!

1.  Tell us about your blog.  When did you start blogging?

I began to blog in 2005 on a serious basis. Although I worked on designing blogs for others and making headers for them before that. So, I've been blogging now for 16 years.
2.  What prompted you to begin blogging?   I wanted to leave something for my family.. words, stories, etc.
3.  What was your first blog about and why did you choose that subject/title?

My first blog was Lemon Lime Moon which still operates today.  The name was because of an article I wrote about my cats sitting on a lemon lime colored moon.

I had millions of views. It began as a personal thing but soon became political and then environmental when I realized the huge damage in Japan from Fukushima and the damage done by fracking such as Bayou Corne in Louisiana.  Fracking is insanity my friends.. insanity! Money breeds greed. They destroy for a dollar.

Here is a copy of the original form of Lemon Lime Moon when it was personal. I did enjoy it then and had many nice readers.   I changed to Cottage by the Sea because, well, that's where I live!  

Originally the blog had music.. the theme from Laura. It was a song dedicated to me by a fellow long ago who said it reminded him of me.
4.  How has your blog changed over time, and has it done for you what you hoped it would do in the first place?  I hoped to leave a view of life for my family and to make friends. I certainly have made friends from blogging and opened up a whole life on the internet with people across the globe.  I now operate many blogs. It's been a long while since I have maintained blogs for others. That involved working on the html etc. inside the blog, etc.

Thank you for joining in. I am sorry this is late but life has been mixed up for a bit around here.  I thank you all for putting up with me.



  1. I enjoyed reading about the different blogs you have done...didn't know about the Lemon Lime Moon one. I like the "original form of Lemon Lime Moon", and the articles you wrote there are especially nice. The other newer one that is more informative is interesting as well and thought provoking. There is a place for that as well, and you do a very good job of keeping us informed. You are a very talented lady, and I am so glad we had this place to meet and become friends over the years. I especially love your art work...that is a true gift. Thank you for being a special part of my life here!! And thank you for hosting this weekly format. I hope things settle down for you soon. I know it's been hard. (((hugs)) to you today.

  2. Hi Annie, it has been a long time since you visited my blog. I know you have been busy with your family. The years go by so quickly now. The nice thing about Blogger is that is will be around for awhile. My old blog will end when I stop paying for it. I am trying to move some of my favorite poems over to my Blogger page. Take care of yourself.

  3. I am so happy I met you through blogging...smiles. Keeping you in prayer, Annie.

  4. Hadn't heard about the Lemon Lime Moon blog. I'll go check it out too. Your talents are amazing. Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings. xx

  5. Hi Annie:
    I'll have to check out your Lemon Lime Moon blog.
    I really enjoyed your answers, you are so talented.
    Have a great Tuesday my blogging friend.

  6. How awesome that you designed blogs and headers. When I started I really didn't know what or why I was blogging. Then I realized that I would be leaving history for the family to read years later. It has been a wonderful place to make friends and I'm so happy that I have stayed around. Lot's of my friends had moved to Facebook and I still follow them there but I meet new people here all the time.

  7. I love your answers. And like you I have made many connections through blogging. Have a great week

  8. Hello !
    You are well and truly appreciated and cared about !
    It is a delight to come here and enjoy your many talents and your friendship ...
    thank you !!!
    Better days are coming...may they get here soon for you !!!!!


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