z Cottage by the Sea : State of Affairs..
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 5, 2021

State of Affairs..

Hello sweet people...
Joining in with Stacey and Linda today. 


Celebrating...  The fun I had at the ball game. It was a great night. We had great food, wonderful game and fireworks. Our seats were around a fire pit and it got cool enough out to enjoy that a lot.
The photo is the mascot kissing my hand. It was a dear, sweet moment . You can enlarge the photo by clicking on it.

Shocked...  at the path the nation is taking in so many things. Foreign influence must stop.

Enjoying...  a cup of decaf coffee and boiling some eggs for lunch.

Working...  on putting up Tuesday 4 a bit late. Life is weird lately. I have so much to do right now.

Kind of over...  Celebrity opinions in the news. Left-right debates etc.

Missing...having kids around all the time. I love the noise, the intrusions, the fun, the laughter.I'd have more if I was married.

Thinking about...  my future and that I need to get serious about blogging again. I miss it a lot. I've gotten sloppy about it. The discipline of blogging is good for you.

Grateful...  for life, family and friends. For good times and faith.

Cooking...  chicken for dinner tonight.

Feeling...  a bit lazy today. Gotta get going and exercise.

Irked by...  Bugs of summer.. those pesky little guys.

Today...  Cleaning...changing bed linens, a bit of laundry.   What about you?


  1. I love your picture with the mascot. You look very relaxed and happy. Sounds like you had a great time. I am happy you were able to get out and about and enjoy the holiday with family. Yes, I feel a bit lazy these days too. It's the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer I guess. Heat and humidity and lots of rain along with the pesky bugs of summer keep us indoors more than I'd like. I am looking forward to fall. Summer here in Florida is not my favorite. If I were a beach bunny or had a swimming pool, maybe I'd like it more, but I'm kind of beyond those days. We just took a walk, and it was so hot we got off the beaten path and walked through the woods, which is what I prefer anyway. It was much cooler in the shade of the woods. Yes, I cleaned the bathrooms this morning and did some laundry. I feel better than I've felt in a while, so that is a blessing. But I do miss our big family holiday gatherings we used to have. Our kids came over, and that was nice, but I miss the extended family and making homemade ice cream and all that goes along with big family gatherings. We're all getting lazy and don't like to travel much. Can't give in to that. We need each other. Okay, that's my piece. Thank you for doing the Tuesday 4. I am looking forward to it this week.

  2. Thanks for joining in...its always good to catch up with you and others, smiles. I changed the bed linens as well, today. I hope your having a beautiful day, my friend. smiles

  3. Good Morning , my friend !
    Many apologies for being out of the loop...
    this moving project leaves me feeling like
    I'm playing a 3D chess game on 20 levels !
    And I can't even play on one !!! It will be
    a few more days before my cat and I will be
    settling into our new little home...
    aahhh , to breathe free...
    One thing has not changed...
    you are still in my thoughts and prayers !
    Wishing you peace , security and Joy !!!


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