z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Hi.. going to do the Sunday Stealing today. It is brought to us by Bev Sykes of Funny the World

Stolen from mantelligence

1. Have Your Ever Driven Drunk Or Even Slightly Buzzed?  No. Never been drunk or even slightly buzzed. Never saw any use for it.
2. What Was The Funniest Moment In Your Life?  I suppose when I lost my bikini bottom in Miami.
3. What Kind Of Things Really Makes You Laugh?   I laugh a lot at Moonpie Starbox videos.

4. If You Could Jump Into A Pool Full Of Something, What Would It Be?  Water!
5. Which Habit Are You Proudest Of Breaking?   I don't know that I had much to break.
6. Which Animal Do You Find The Sexiest Of All? Animals?? Oh come on LOL.
7. What’s The Weirdest Nickname You’ve Ever Had?   Some called me Angie in school.. in university I was EB short for Easter Bunny.
8, What Do You Wish You Were Really Good At?  Flying
9. If You Were A Dog, What Kind Of Dog Would You Be? English Setter
10. What’s The Most Spontaneous Thing You’ve Ever Done? cut off my jeans to go swimming in the ocean. we were there for a bit and i decided to just take a knife and cut them off to go in the water.
11. If You Had A Time Machine, Would You Go Back In Time Or Visit The Future? Back in Time to nicer days before the buffoons ruled the earth. All the world's leaders today are jack ass buffoons.
12. What Was The Last Show You Binge-Watched? Ray Bradbury Theater.
13. If You Had To Rename Yourself, What Name Would You Choose?   Julia Ann Baker.(selected for me by a "standard all American name generator".
14. What Did You Do During The Summers When You Were Growing Up?  Beach, Bikes, Movies.
15. If You Go To A Restaurant And Have Terrible Service, Is It Ever OK Not To Tip?
It is okay to leave a smaller tip but, I think its best to give benefit of the doubt and tip. In the USA it is how wait staff make their living.


  1. WOOT! Wait...you lost your bikini bottom? (I shall plead the 5th; I lost my top once. The 'girls' were just a hanging out, lololol.)

    I hope you have a lovely day, my friend.

  2. I would love to be able to time hop. I would visit lots of different times. Mostly to see about family. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  3. Fun questions !
    Had a "wardrobe malfunction " , too ! It was the time of the minidress and I had made one to wear to a friend's wedding . When I leaned over to congratulate the bride ,I had no idea the guests could "see France " !!!
    Wishing you all good things , always , my friend !

  4. These are fun! And I love your banner! It's gorgeous!

  5. Fun answers. That bikini event must have been interesting to say the least. Reminds me of the song, "She wore an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini". LOL. We've been binge watching "Murdoch's Mysteries" on Acorn. Very good and can't stop watching...hope they don't run out too soon. I would love to go back in time to visit ancestors and see what their lives were really like. It might help us to appreciate even more how much they sacrificed so that we could live today...


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