z Cottage by the Sea : Blogging
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 1.  How often do you blog? What helps you blog.. what hinders you?
Lately changes in my life have hindered me. I used to blog a lot. I need to get back in the swing of life more.  
 I have been blogging now for 16 years.
2.  What benefits do you get from blogging? Are there any?

I made good friends and made a record of my thoughts.
3.  Have you ever changed your blog theme?  Yes. It began in a very different mode and that blog is now sitting dormant though for a while it was very popular. 

4. Where do you get your ideas for blog posts?  

From things on my mind or from questions and memes posted by others.  I used to do regular posts like   a Haiku post with pictures for each poem.  I also did a post called literary pearls which were snippets from popular books, etc. 

I joined in for Friday photos more often as well.  I miss the blogging I once did, but my life has taken a dramatic turn.   I will try to get back what I had.

Thanks for joining in with these post which I put up in memory of Toni Taddeo who began them. I know she would like the idea of them continuing and you all joining in.   If you have themes of ideas for Tuesday 4 let me know in comments either here or on the Tuesday 4 blog which is linked in the sidebar.

Until next time.. be good!


  1. Good post. I've been letting life get in the way of writing too. I'm glad you're still keeping the thoughts flowing. You're very talented, especially with art. I wish I had that gift. And you put people at ease. That's a gift too.
    Hope the rest of your day is blessed. xx

  2. Hi Annie! I am so glad you have kept this meme going. Loved your answers! Have a great week.


  3. Glad I found your linky party. When my girls got older and then I had to go back to work I haven't had as much time to post but I'm working on getting back into it and linky parties have sure helped. Thank you for hosting. If any ideas come to mind I'll let you know.

  4. Hello , my friend !
    Thank you for continuing to post !
    You provide a lovely place to visit , to ponder and to enjoy the beauty and wisdom you offer !
    Wishing that your needs , wants and dreams are all met , in joy !

  5. I have been so unmotivated...just keeping it real. smiles--you always make me smile, though.

  6. I am glad you are still here with us. I always learn a lot from your posts and look forward to hearing from you. I miss your Haiku posts too. They were always interesting and made me think. I think we've all been in a kind of slump this past year +...but we need to keep motivating and encouraging one another to keep moving forward. We need to keep our minds active and engaged and this is an excellent way to do that. Thank you for keeping the Tuesday 4 going. Toni would be so happy.


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