z Cottage by the Sea : Tuesday 4..Dream Kitchens
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tuesday 4..Dream Kitchens

Welcome friends!

This week's questions were provided by Pamela Steiner who has the Closed Doors Open Windows blog.

1.  They say the kitchen is the heart of the home...tell us about YOUR kitchen. What is your favorite part
of your kitchen?

I suppose the cabinets which are light natural cherry wood. They are very good solid hard wood throughout. They were a good choice. There is a photo of my kitchen in the post below this one. Selective snapshots cover a multitude of problems!
 I also like that it is an eat in kitchen separate from the rest of the house. I am not a fan of open floor plans as kitchen smells tend to permeate the house

2.  If money were no object, what would be your "dream kitchen"?    I would get a new sink as mine is rusted out. I also need a new countertop as it is also in very bad shape and I do mean VERY BAD.   My oven doesn't work so, I need a new one. My tile floor is broken in many places and needs replacing. I would like a range hood to collect grease etc.

3.  Tell us about a favorite memory from your kitchen, or from a kitchen in your past, perhaps your mother's kitchen or your grandma's kitchen?

My mother's kitchen had only 2 cabinets. The whole kitchen was about 9 ft long by 6 or less feet wide and there was zero counters to work on so a table pushed up against one wall had to do.  Very good cooking came out of that room despite its small size and lack of space. I remember the stellar pies made by my mother and grandmother in that kitchen. Always first class crust and filling.

4.  If you could invite anyone in the world (either past or present) to come visit with you in your kitchen, who would it be, and why?

All of my Blogging and Facebook friends. I think it would be a lovely party. I think we could have a wonderful time talking, eating and becoming closer friends! I would bring back Toni and a few others who've gone on before us too.


  1. Hi Annie, I enjoyed your post. It would be nice for everyone to sit in your kitchen and visit. I miss Toni too. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  2. Ann,

    It's not the size of the kitchen, it's the cooks in the kitchen that turn out some fine eating, right? The kitchen in my childhood home didn't have any countertops, other than the tops of appliances like the washer, dryer, sink sides, and water heater. Yeah that last one sounds strange but my folks had a water heater about the size of washing machine and looked like one except it looked like a metal cube. The table was in the dinning room so I guess if she needed a large area to work then that's where she did it but I can't remember. The same goes for my grandma's kitchen with little to no countertops. Speaking of pies, my late mother-in-law was an excellent pie maker. I think she could do those in her sleep. :) I enjoyed reading your responses. Thanks for sharing!

    Curious as a Cathy

  3. I love your answer to #4! That would be fun!! My grandma Irish made the hands down best apple pie! My brother has mastered hers...or at least I think he still makes them as well as her! Happy Tuesday!

  4. Oh, I love your idea for #4...Wouldn't we have a great time? And I know it is amazing what good food can come out of a little space, when good cooks filled with love for their families are in their cooking. Those are the priceless memories that stick in our minds forever. Thank you for hosting this each week. I do pray you will get your 'dream kitchen' someday...or this one fixed as needed. Praying for a special blessing for you, my friend. (((hugs)))

  5. I did look at the picture of your kitchen and also your house. The kitchen is charming and your house looks like a picture from a story book!
    I don't think the size of a kitchen or the amount of countertops has anything to do with good food. I have a largish kitchen with a lot of available countertop real estate but I use the same two feet of counter for everything. However in the past I have had tiny kitchens and managed to cook just as well in them. Maybe that is why I use the same tiny space I use today.

  6. Your mother's kitchen sounds a lot like my mom's kitchen (which was also my paternal grandmother's kitchen) only my mom's isn't even big enough to put a table in. When we make cookies we work at the dining room table and on top of the portable dishwasher. My aunt's second husband asked if we had an eat-in kitchen and Mom quipped "Only if we sit on the radiator and eat off the oven door."

  7. Your welcomed here anytime, smiles. I can't for the life of me make a pie crust, my mom is a master of pie crusts. smiles

  8. I totally agree that no matter what the kitchen looks like, good food and good memories can come from them.


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