z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, November 14, 2021


Sunday is cold and a bit cloudy.. breezy and lovely. A very autumny day to be sure.

 The Famous Anonymous is in her final year of college.. how did this happen? In her "spare" time she takes care of mega amounts of horses. She loves them, they love her and she is quite the rider too.

I love this photo of her, hidden as she is, because she is in her element and the sky is gorgeous. (You can click on the photos to see them full sized).

I am empying out my house and finally the room where my late husband died this year.   I took care of him when he came down with terminal cancer and he died here . We were together off and on for 30 years, mostly off,  and I never knew how to answer when someone asked if I was married. I usually said, "no" as I really was not in any real sense of the word as he was mentally ill for most of the time and left a while back.   But I stayed the course for richer/poorer, sickness/health, better/worse, forsaking all others etc.  I did it but it was not easy.

I don't usually speak of personal things as I don't like to at all. 

I did this drawing several years back.  

I have not been painting as much as I was in the past but I have to urge to begin again.

Are there things you've kind of put on the shelf?

I answered the Sunday Stealing albeit a bit late in the day today.


Place: Prince Edward Island or wherever I am at the moment.
    Color: pale yellow, green, violet, blues
    Smell: Balsam Pine, Cedar
    Magazine: victoria
    Texture: smooth
    Thing to do when bored:  watch youtube
    Precious stone: White Sapphire, diamond, blue topaz, tanzanite, amethyst, peridot.
    Animal:dogs, cats, horses.
    Time in history: When I am around. Can't enjoy things if you aren't there to enjoy them after all.
    Font: There are too many to name.
    Sound: Wind, surf, birds(especially geese and crows in autumn)
    Fruit: Pineapple
    Vegetable: all of them really.
    Store/shop: Home Goods!
     Memory: My little daughter who passed away.
    Dessert:  Cake or Pie
    Candy: Snickers was always a favorite of mine.
    Restaurant: The Russian Tea Room. The food is wonderful there.
    Language: English
    Thing to learn about: real history and real anthropology. Most of it is made up today.
    Thing about yourself:  That I hear things out first and then study into them before I make up my mind.

Keep in touch friends.  Tuesday 4 is up and the link if on the right sidebar here.


  1. Dear Annie, I did not realize who it was you were taking care of and what a difficult time that was for you. I did know it was heartbreaking, and I am sorry for your loss on so many different levels. I am praying that this time will be a time of refreshing and renewal for you. (((hugs))) to you dear friend. I love the picture of your "famous anonymous" with her horses. That is a beautiful picture indeed, every bit of it. I can feel the love. And your painting is so lovely. I do hope you will get back to your painting as you are extremely talented and gifted, and your paintings are a blessing to all of us. Thank you for opening the window of your heart to us a little more today. Praying God will fill your life with peace and joy and sweet blessings in this new year. Just know you are loved...

  2. Keeping in prayer...and how did 4 years already pass by? How in the world did this happen? What will the Famous Anonymous Kid do next? (grin) I am such an expectant far away adopted auntie, LOL.

    In all seriousness...its hard to embrace change, isn't it? Like I said, and not meaning to sound like a repeat parrot, I am keeping in prayer, Annie.

  3. That's very sad and I know how hard it is to share personal information. You are very caring and I hope and pray you are blessed in all the years to come. You deserve much happiness! Sweet hugs, Diane

  4. Bless your heart. This is why I pray for all my blogging friends 'cause one never knows what sack of rocks one has to carry around. Lifting you to the Throne of Grace, my dear.
    The Famous Anonymous sounds like a great person too, like her Mommy. I like horses so much but because of all my surgeries have decided to not ride again. I know, I know, I ride motorcycles, but there is a difference. At least a motorbike has never tried to graze on me or decide to run around in circles and rub me against tree limbs (barrel horse). 'Oy! *lol*
    Sorry I haven't been posting any. I think I've fallen into a mild sadness for various reasons. Can't seem to shake it. Everything is "fine", no one sick or in trouble or anything devastating.
    Anyway, here's hoping your day is happy and bright.
    Blessings. xx

  5. My dear friend , you are wrapped in the prayers of all who love and care about you .
    This is a Year of New Beginnings for you , too .You have fought the fight , stayed the course , survived and are finally coming into your own . May the road ahead bring you healing and much happiness <3

  6. P.S. :
    The photo of The Famous Anonymous is beyond endearing !!!
    She is a very special young woman...always has been !


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