z Cottage by the Sea : Good Ole' Summer
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Good Ole' Summer

Hello and welcome. Today is Tuesday 4 and of course I am joining in!!   I hope you will come play as well.  Link is on the sidebar of this blog or you can click on the title below.

Weather by the New Jersey seashore is going to be rainy today with a high of 76 °.F humidity 38 %, waves 3-4 ft.

♬ ♫ Summertime and the Living is Easy. ♩ ♪

 Hey.. you're back!  Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we just want you to meet new folks and get to know the ones you already know a bit better. Besides, it gives you something to blog about too.

This week let's talk about Summertime.

1. What gave you the most fun in summer as a kid or as an adult?

It was equally divided between the beach and boardwalks and riding my bike.   I enjoyed hanging out with a elderly neighbor born in the  1880's and bed ridden by then.  We'd have long talks in the afternoon.  I loved it.

2. Does summer heat get to you? How do you cope?

It didn't much when I was young but then New Jersey was not as hot then.   Today we have more hot days than in the past due to solar changes like the Solar minimum.  I do well with fans and air conditioning. A tall glass of iced tea with lemon is a good cooler too.  Best of all is just going over to the beach and sitting in the cooler breeze.      Now most people in NJ say 'going down the shore'.. but those of us who actually live at the shore say "going to the beach",   I live on Barnegat Bay.

Me down the street on the bay

3.  Do you have summertime foods and drinks you really enjoy eating?   Does your menu change in summer?

Summer is tuna or egg salad on bed of salad greens, lots of fish ,Jersey  tomatoes, corn and fried chicken.  Summer is iced tea with lemon and a lot of ice.  Jersey tomatoes are world famous for being the quintessential tomato because of our soil.   They do not taste as good any where else.

4. Do you enjoy sitting outside or on the porch in summertime?  How about some photos of where you enjoy being in summer.

I would love to but one of the side effects of our mini climate change is that the southern yellow fly has come this far north and I have a very ugly and painful reaction to their bite.  So, I don't like sitting

 my big pond out back.

outside in summer anymore. I wish I had a screened porch.    It is nice to sit by my pond for sure.

I mentioned warming in New Jersey but, I do not think it is global warming from CO2 but rather it is natural and happens during Solar Minimums and Maximums that occur naturally through out history.   They bring dry spells and cold weather.  Dramatic things can and do occur but they do go away and a more normal climate returns.

My favorite place.


  1. You are so blessed to live by the beach! We live about 30 miles or so. It takes longer to get there because of the traffic. I agree with you on wanting a screened porch.

  2. I need to look up the solar minimums and maximums. I'd not heard of that before. We have lakes here in TN but I've yet to go to one. Right now, it's hot..hot..hot!

  3. I love the pictures of where you live. So beautiful!

  4. Love that porch painting ! Great view , beautiful design...needs screening to be perfect !
    I love summer...always (until lately , when the killer humidity kicks in !) , it was the only time of the year that I was warm ! It seems extremes in temperature are not something this body handles well...sigh...Your summer food choices are my favorites , too and living in this area makes my heart happy ! Have a fabulous day , my friend !!!

  5. I would love a screened porch also. I love to be outside, but for me it is the mosquitoes. I mostly stay in. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  6. Love your pond and favorite place, I would certainly enjoy visiting there. I've never heard of Southern Yellow fly, will be doing research to learn more. Always enjoy my visits to your blog. ((hugs))

  7. Hi Annie! love your post, I so enjoy visiting your blog!! Happy Tuesday xo

  8. Your favorite place is mine too! It's too hot to go to the beach here in Florida right now but I sure love being on the ocean! Love your big pond too. How nice to have it to enjoy every day.

  9. My daughter and I were in NYC in 2017 and went to New Jersey for a day. She wanted to go to Hoboken.

  10. THank you for clarifying the max and min summer temps truth and not theory about global warming. People need to realize that it is God who is control of the weather, not man! AND as fas the the terrible storms all over the world. I think He is trying to get our attention! How wonderful it must have been to grow up by the sea! BLESSINGS!

  11. The beach and broadwalks sound lovely. That is sweet about the elderly neighbor. You're summer foods sound good.

  12. The yellow fly is also called a deer fly here in Florida, and yes, they do bite and they really love to bit around the legs and ankles when out in the evening hours. If I know I am going to be outside I try to spray my legs with a repellent, but most of the time I run out to do something and come right back in...but they still get me. You are blessed to live near the beach and to be able to enjoy it often. The bugs aren't so pesky by the ocean. Your salads sound delightful. I need to make some tuna salad or other such salads more often. I would love to taste the NJ tomato. It's so hard to get a really good tomato. I do not like to buy them at the grocery store. I try to find them at a farm stand whenever I can. Maybe someday I will grow my own. Thank you for doing this for us each week. Always fun.


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