z Cottage by the Sea : On a Monday...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, June 13, 2022

On a Monday...

73 °F partly cloudy



Monday!   Today the Tuesday 4 was posted. A bit late but it's up now and I hope you will join in with us.

 I found these age regressions and wanted to share them with you.  They are from a YouTube channel called Historicly.   

 These men who gave so much for this nation.  I feel so ashamed that we have let it be taken from us so badly.  Here they are as boys who became some of the greatest men of all time.

George Washington

Martin Van Buren

Abraham Lincoln

James Madison




  1. oh wow, I will have to check this out, thank you. smiles

  2. This is amazing ! It is incredible what technology can do when put to good use !!!
    You find the neatest things to share with us ! Thank you !!!
    Wonderful header !


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