z Cottage by the Sea : Hodge Podge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Hodge Podge

Wednesday Hodgepodge  

1. From this Side of the Pond
click here to join

"A daughter's a daughter all her life, but a son's a son til he takes a wife." What say you? Elaborate.
This is very true.   Women can be pretty over bearing at times  and want their own family ahead of the son's family.  I have seen it in friends' family situations.    I am lucky to have 2 wonderful daughter's in law however.     
2. Something you've seen recently that was 'cuter than a June bug'? 

Some dear little Dachshunds called Moon Pie Starbox and her little sister  Buttercup. Just too cute for words. 

3. 'You can't buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream and that's pretty much the same thing.' Agree or disagree? Last time you had a serving of happiness ice cream?  Dish-cone-milkshake-sundae...which one do you choose? 

 I have not had ice cream in a long time but it was a little cone.      

4. What is one way/area in which you're currently 'swimming against the tide'? 

You can buy happiness so I disagree with the saying.   When a person is poor, money can buy them a whole lot of happiness in the form of housing, food, clothing, health care, etc.     4. What is one way/area in which you're currently 'swimming against the tide'?    My view of things in the world.

5. Three things you're looking forward to this summer?    

I tend not to look forward to things but I go with the flow.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I hope that summer here on the New Jersey seacoast is cool this year. So far so good!


  1. Thanks for joining the HP this week. There was a typo in your link, but I've corrected it so hopefully you'll have a visitor or two from the link up now. I am from NJ but living in SC now...spent many a day at the shore (not the beach lol). Have a great week!

  2. I watched several of Moonpie’s videos yesterday. So cute.

  3. Awww, those dachshunds sound so cuute indeed! I hope your summer will be cool and ours will be somewhat warmer than it is now.

  4. Hi from Waco, Tx! Your blog heading artwork is magical!

  5. Always wonderful to hear from you. I do hope your summer at the coast is cool and breezy and very pleasant. And yes, I think many of us are swimming against the tide with the current state of affairs in our country. We just keep praying and when it is time to vote, be sure to vote. May God build His hedges high around us and keep us safe and protected and provided for. He is able. Amen.

  6. Love your headers !!
    I agree about money...having been without it for much of my life , it can , indeed , buy happiness...in the form of food/shelter/healthcare for you and your little ones . Usually those who say that have never EVER , truly , been without ...their opinions boil down to pious platitudes !

  7. I enjoyed your answers. I agree with your #4. I tend to go with the flow but if there's something "planned", then I look forward to that.


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