z Cottage by the Sea : Coffee/Tea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, June 7, 2022


Another Tuesday already and June is well underway.

 Hello! Glad you are back for more of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4..   If you knew Toni you would know that coffee was one of her great pleasures in life.  So friends, let's talk about those two popular drinks tea and coffee. Okay?  Let's go....

1. What is/are your favorite coffee? (brand or flavor)  If you are a tea lover, which tea is the best for you?

 I grew up drinking tea but lately since I got interested in coffee, I don't drink much of it at all.   I do like Dunkin Donuts coffee but I find the best coffees at Home Goods and TJ Maxx always on sale and in really nice flavors!  Right now I am drinking some Hazelnut Creme by New England coffee co.  Very nice.  I really enjoy the flavors that come out during the autumn.. pumpkins etc.  Later the  winter flavors come out and are also delicious.

2.  How do you take your coffee or tea? Sugar, cream  flavoring?

I don't use sugar but what I like in my coffee is powdered Coffee Mate creamer.  In my tea, no sugar and a medium amount of whole milk.   As a little kid I used 2 teaspoons of sugar in my tea but at age 14 I cut down to 1/4 tsp and in a few weeks stopped using sugar altogether.  My Scottish grandmother and I had tea parties every afternoon after school for year.


3. Do you go out for coffee/tea with friends?   Ever enjoy a real tea room or a  tea party?

 I used to go out for coffee when my husband was alive and then we would sit by the bay and drink it.   I have not been out for coffee in a long time.  I would enjoy a tea room but, the things they serve are all sugary and carbohydrates which I don't enjoy so, I have to pass on that.

4. If you could design a coffee shop or even a coffee/tea station in your home, what would it be like?


I would love a little book shop like Kathleen had in "You've Got Mail" and serve coffee/tea there with biscotti and muffins. Yup....

I had a coffee/tea station on my counter for a bit but other things occupy it's space now.  Too much stuff I think.



  1. You could visit here and go to our local tea room. I was recently there with a friend who is on a gluten free diet. She had some gluten free crackers in her purse and the place willingly took those and built the open-faced sandwich on it that would normally be on a crumpet. It worked out for her...since they didn't use their crumpet, they gave her about twice as much of the sandwich fixings. She had to take half of it home.

  2. I drank only unsweetened tea when I was young. I started the sugar thing later. I can drink tea either way. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  3. I always drank tea with just sugar until I married my English husband. Then I learned to add milk and I was sold. I would love to have a shop like Kathleen in "You've Got Mail." Those large bookstores just overwhelm me.

  4. I am still a BIG fan of sweet tea, and old-fashioned southern style sweet tea.

  5. I have a hazelnut decaf that I'm enjoying. Your coffee and tea flavoring sound good. Oh my, I love that movie. I need to watch it again.

  6. I also like hazelnut coffee, but only at night as an after dinner drink.

  7. I am a huge coffee lover and I enjoy hot tea occasionally. I meant to do the Tuesday 4 Meme but I was at the hospital all day, another grandbaby! I posted a pic on my blog. Have a good week. xoxo

  8. Annie, I enjoy my morning coffee and on the weekends we often have it after dinner. Normally, we drink Great Value Classic coffee. It's quite a bit less expensive and tastes better than other store and national brands. We do enjoy trying new coffees we discovery. Last Christmas DH found an outfit ran by veterans from Indiana, Firehouse House Coffee, and they have some good quality coffee better than Starbuck for sure. We'll probably buy more this Christmas if they run a similar promotion as last year. I like tea and am quite satisfied with Celestial Seasonings, Twinings, and Bigelow teas. We love having a cup of hot herbal tea in the cooler months during the week after dinner since it doesn't interrupt with our bedtime routine and during the summer I like making iced tea that I sweeten with Stevia. It's better than soda pop. Have a good day!

  9. Love this header !!!
    Truth be told - I love them all ! You don't just "paint a picture" , but create a mood within each one ...a lovely gift , my friend !
    As to tea and coffee ...my mornings begin with a big cup of strong black tea , with a wee bit of honey and lemon juice . Coffee , later , is considered dessert , with vanilla , ceylon cinnamon and your favorite powdered creamer !
    Stay safe , well and true !

  10. Love your header. Always gorgeous! I can see you situated in your own book shop! Have a lovely weekend! Schotzy

  11. I enjoyed your answers. I'm not a big fan of flavored brewed coffee, but if I go to a coffee shop I will get a flavored drink. But nothing nutty or fruity.


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