z Cottage by the Sea : Rain and Drought
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, June 17, 2022

Rain and Drought


Thursday evening the Little.. my clone..graduated from 8th grade. So it was an exciting and busy evening  and a chilly one. The temperature was in the 60's and the breeze off the ocean was cold!   It rained during the earlier hours and a storm was brewing all night long. You could small the salt in the air as you usually can before a big storm and the warmish air was punctuated by cold drafts.. They say it will storm around 3AM.   

Other parts of the nation are suffering extreme heat and my prayers are with them.   California, Arizona, Colorado , parts of Utah are in  grave danger friends.  The water situation is quite serious and the big dams are drying up and more so than usual. The government is allowing water to drain into the Pacific and also favoring Saudi owned farms while restricting water to American farms and people.   It's simple mismanagement added to a long serious drought.    

In Yellowstone and parts of Montana floods are causing major destruction.  Feast or famine my friends.. neither one is good.   Keep all these states in your thoughts and prayers.

I am sharing some photos as I like to do on Friday. 

" I could never in a hundred summers get tired of this."
    Susan Branch

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer." F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby)

"In summer, the song sings itself"  William Carlos Williams

"one must maintain a little bit of summer even in the middle of winter": Henry David Thoreau

"In early June the world of  leaf and blade and flowers explode, and every sunset is different" John Steinbeck

  " I  know I am but summer to your heart, and not the full four seasons of the year."
Edna St. Vincent Millay


  1. Annie those photos are all gorgeous! I especially love the purple and pink sunset. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Oh, everything is just so lovely there! These are great photos and quotes as well. Congratulations to your "clone" on her graduation! That is exciting. She is growing up quickly. Praying for the situation in our nation both weatherwise as well as all the other major issues that are creating such pain for so many, much of which is totally manmade and not from the weather itself. Our nation is in a lot of trouble and we need prayer more than ever, as well as a total change in government. Praying praying praying.

  3. Lovely photos and I like the quotes you chose for each one. Congrats to your daughter! Your cool weather made me want to pack up immediately and move! We're having triple digit heat indexes here but we are expecting rain today. Hopefully that will help.

  4. Beautiful pictures today, I love how blue the water looks to be. It's seldom the bay looks that blue, it's mostly a blue gray. Congrats to the Little for her accomplishment, just wonderful! Yes, the USA and the world are in bad trouble, it's everywhere. Prayer is our biggest and best weapon.

  5. Oh wow, perfect pairings of quotes and images.

  6. Beautiful shots. Regine

  7. Love that sky!! You are right about the west... we are hurting. Yesterday I was reading that wilderness fire fighters are quitting in large numbers. Things are so dry, and the fires are so intense and fast moving, that it's gotten extremely dangerous.

  8. The quotes you picked are so different but tagged along well with the photographs you posed.

  9. Great news about The Little !
    Prayers are needed for all the extremes and needless suffering !
    Thank you for refreshing us with God's beauty...


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