Saturday, July 30, 2022

I'd Be in Love Anyway...

Another weekend is blooming before us today.         

Weather is partly cloudy and warm.  
So.. the song is interesting to think about.     Would I still love people I was once in love with knowing what I know now? No. probably not.  Once you see a person for who they really are that is impossible.

I Would Be in Love (Anyway)

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will
have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!    
I Would Be in Love (Anyway) 1970
Unfamiliar with this week's tune?      Hear it here.

1) Frank Sinatra sings, "If I knew then what I know now." If you were giving advice to a recent high school grad, based on that phrase, what would you say?
    Never think you know it all.      Hear all sides while keeping silent until you learn, then make up your mind.     Give the benefit of the doubt more often than not.     Give better than you get.     Take others problems on your shoulders and pray as you would for yourself.     Don't get tired of well doing ever.
Learn self control and use it.  Don't be a hypocrite.  If you hold others to a standard, live up to them yourself.

2) This song is about a man looking back on his marriage, which has ended. While he is sad, he is not sorry he loved her. Do you believe that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
  Yes.   If you really love and keep your side of the bargain you have not failed.

3) Sinatra married four times. He met his first wife, Nancy, when he was 19. He saw a pretty girl sitting on her front porch, giving herself a pedicure, and he rushed home for his ukulele so he could serenade her. Have you ever sung to anyone? Has anyone ever sung to you?
No one has ever sung to me but I have sung for others and played piano and organ for many people  also.
4) According to Barbara, his final wife, they met when they were neighbors in Rancho Mirage, California. Sinatra had his own tennis court, needed a fourth for doubles with his houseguests, and invited the lady next door to play. Tell us about your neighbors.
I have two sets of new ones I do not know right now.  My old neighbors who have moved were very nice.

5) When not performing before an audience or cameras, Sinatra often wore hats and caps because his hair was thin and his toupee annoyed him. Is there anything you wear for "dress up" that you're happy to ditch when you go casual?    
Not really.  I love dressing up when I leave the house.  I never wear house clothes when I go out and I dress up for worship in a dress or skirts and blouses. 

6) Frank had a sweet tooth and to the end of his life, he enjoyed chocolate-covered apricots, ordered from Lepore's in his hometown of Hoboken, NJ. If you could have any sweet treat right now, what would you request? 
I think a nice slice of  Pepperidge Farm coconut layer cake.

7) This song was written specifically for Sinatra by Bob Gaudio, best known as a member of The Four Seasons. That 1960s quartet is now legendary. In addition to 25 Top Ten Hits, they are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and inspired the Broadway play and movie musical, Jersey Boys. Do you have a favorite Four Seasons song?
My Eyes Adored You .. mainly because of the mention of Barnegat Bridge and Bay. "Carried your books from school
Playin' make believe you're married to me
You were fifth grade, I was sixth when we came to be
Walking home every day over Barnegat Bridge and Bay
'Til we grew into the me and you
Who went our separate ways"      I live on Barnegat Bay.

8) In 1970, the year this record was released, The Mary Tyler Moore Show premiered. Were you a fan? 
 I saw it on TV. Not a huge fan really.

9) Random question: Have you ever named your car or truck?   No.


  1. #6 Oh you hit my sweet spot, I love Pepperidge Farm cakes and my favorite is the German Chocolate cake.

  2. I love Pepperidge Farm cakes. As for the last thought, we have always named our vehicles. The current SUV is black on black and I named her Black Betty for the song by Ram Jama. Yeah...I prob. ought to explain that more, LOL. My husband said all vehicles are female...yeahhh...whatever, LOL---I miss you Annie. smiles

  3. how cool to have a song written about where you live!

  4. I enjoyed your answers. I have never tried that cake, but it sounds really good!

  5. I am a fan of Pepperidge Farm cakes too. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  6. My husband would agree with you on that specific cake!


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