Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Thunder storms on Monday broke the quiet of the late afternoon.    I had noticed that this week of high temperatures had turned my lawn brown seemingly over night!  We are due for more storms this week and after the high heat it will be welcome.    The thunder was long and loud!  I like thunderstorms and they never really last long enough. 
Autumn(it is not "fall" until the leaves begin to fall)  will arrive on Thursday September 22 at 6:05 PM in the northern hemisphere.  I think a lot of people are ready for cooler temperatures.  So many had awful heat this year.   Here at the seashore we did not until this week.   

Note:   I am sorry this failed to post yet again.   I thought the glitch was fixed but, no it is still hanging around.

Here it is.. late but, perhaps some will like to join in anyway.

Welcome to another Tuesday 4 by Toni Taddeo.

Let's talk about light, okay?  

1. Are you afraid of the dark? Is night or day your favorite time?   

If I am out in the wilderness or the woods, yes, I am afraid of the dark and rightly so.  I try to avoid being out in lonely places at night.

I like all times of day except extremely early morning because if I have to get up very early I don't feel well.

2. Do you have night lights in your home? 

I have a night light in the bathroom that I rarely turn on. For winter time it is an old fashioned bubble light.  Summer it is a seashell.

3. How low do you set your air conditioning?  Do you adjust it through the day?

My air is set to 72 which is considered an ideal temperature for humans but I do raise and lower it depending on the situation.

4. Do you keep any outdoor or indoor lights on all night?

I keep lights on the front door and  both back doors. My laundry room light is on all night.


  1. It was interesting reading your answers. I didn't want to hear about autumn though. I love autumn however it comes too quickly and shortly after the winter. My least favourite season. Enjoy your week. Stay cool.

  2. We use nightlights and that adds just enough light in the dark parts of the house. And we have fans going in the rooms we are in so that we can have the temp a little warmer during the day. At night we like it cooler! Neat questions and answers!

  3. Thanks for the questions again this week. I enjoyed reading your answers. Hope you have a great day.

  4. I took walks at night when I was young...college age and a few years after. I started to realize when I lived in Kansas City that was not safe to do. I took another midnight walk when I lived in Springfield and that was the last one I took. Nothing happened, but it could have. I am not afraid of the dark, but what lurks in the dark.
    I agree with you that 72 is the ideal temperature. I prefer 72, but we have our temp set to 73.
    We keep on lights too. This is a fun one. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  5. I enjoyed your answers. I would agree I don't want to be out in the woods or on a street alone at night.

    1. I also realized my name showed up anonymous. This is Kirstin

  6. I missed this today as I have been helping our kids setting up over at the new Dixie Cottage store. Maybe I'll try to do this one later. I'm pretty tired now. 72 seems a bit cool for AC to me. We keep ours set at 76. I'm afraid if we set it for 72 here where it is SO hot and humid outside, it would have to run all the time and we wouldn't be able to pay our electric bill! In winter we keep our heat set at 69 and sometimes 70 if it's been really cloudy and the house doesn't get any radiant heat. I enjoyed your questions and answers. Let there be light!

  7. Being in unfamiliar places at night I would be on guard, cause you never know what is lurking in the dark. Happy Tuesday!


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