Monday, August 1, 2022

Seasonal Time Table..

Just a head's up in case you are done with summer already.
Now let's not hear complaining about the chill in the air in autumn and if it snows promise to enjoy it rather than grouse about it okay?
You all wanted summer sooo  badly and now that it is here you can't wait to get rid of it.     Naughty, naughty!!  Yes, I am just teasing you.
We do this every year.. we get sick of what we wanted so badly.
I do have to say that I never get tired of autumn. At least, not so far.      I suppose I feel we should love where we are and make the best of it all.   
Life speeds by so quickly. Hold on to every day, every minute and enjoy it all. Find reasons to enjoy it. Find reasons to be happy.
I've noticed that there were no cicadas this year around here.  I kind of missed the noisy nights. Except for some crickets and frogs, its been silent at night out here in the boon docks.     Pretty soon, as the weather cools down, the barn owls will be hoot hoot hooting from the woods.  Tonight I am surprised to hear a lone cricket under my office window.


  1. I personally would be just as happy if we could skip over summer and have a nice long autumn. Summers here in Florida are brutally hot, and if we don't get enough rain everything dries up. Thankfully we've been getting enough thunderstorms to keep things growing so I don't have to keep watering the plants. I guess if I were still a kid I'd love summer and would be outside dawn til dusk playing, swimming, and exploring. That's what I did when I was growing up. We didn't have AC in our homes back then, so we didn't know the difference! Now we are spoiled by the AC and rarely stay outside more than a few minutes unless we absolutely have to. I enjoyed your post. Today is a busy day for us with the grand opening of Dixie Cottage, so I will be running all day long. I hope to get caught up with everyone later. Have a blessed day.

  2. I relish spring and fall. Winter last year was very cold and rainy. This summer has been hotter than I ever remember. So, yeah I've complained and hibernated a bit. The rains lately have cooled things off a bit but I mourned for those who have had the flooding. I remember when I lived in Florida and a tropical system was coming - storm or hurricane. When it missed us, I'd rejoice and then realize that it hit someone else! So, you're right to hold onto each minute and find something good in each moment. For me this summer, it's been my AC!

  3. Summer is my favorite season and it lasts here a good long time! I'll be happy to get outside more though when I can find a breeze! lol

  4. Enjoyed your post and you're right we should enjoy where we are. Honestly there is good and bad in each season and I'm just glad to be alive.

  5. I truly agree. We do want something so bad and usually within a few short moments we aren't happy with it and ready for the next season. I try to embrace each season for sure. I used to love the fall. I still do but as I have gotten older summer and winter have become a nice favorite of mine. I do not care for the extreme heat but the first few months is so perfect.


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