z Cottage by the Sea : Nearly Winter
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Nearly Winter

Autumn is nearly over.  ! Soon comes the winter solstice and the shortest day of the year.
I enjoy the early dark.    It is a relief from care.  A relief from work.  The dark curtain draws down on the world so early giving much needed rest to a weary population.    You know, I think there is a plan to this early end to a day.   It seems to be a kind of hibernation for people.  It seems to be a time to sleep early, rest more and put the cares and labor of the rest of the year behind you.    Sadly people complain about it rather than embrace it and the rest it provides.  No wonder we are weak and sickly in this world.    We simply need this time of rest.
"Winter"  drawing  by Annie
“All Heaven and Earth
Flowered white with Snow
 ... unceasing snow”
  Haiku by Hashin

Photo by Annie
 "Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness.”
― Mary Oliver

you can enlarge pictures by clicking on them.
winter elf by Judy


  1. Hi Annie: I've never really thought of it that way, but I think you may be right. We definitely rest more when it gets dark earlier. Thanks for sharing this idea and I plan to remind myself to rest more and actually enjoy it. Have a great day.

  2. I've never thought about early nightfall in that way! I love what you had to say and tonight I'm going to embrace and enjoy! Merry Christmas Annie!

  3. I need to learn to embrace and appreciate this "early dark" season more! It usually is quite depressing for me - but your thoughts are encouraging. Thanks!

  4. I agree with you, Annie. I always look forward to the cozy nights and early sleep. the sun comes up a little earlier, and I like that too. Your photos and paintings are so beautiful!

  5. I'm glad to know someone who doesn't complain about the dark at this time of year and sees some positive aspect to it. Personally the dark doesn't bother me. I grew up in the far north where it was dark when I woke up to get ready for school and dark early in the evening. People used to come over and visit my parents and spend a day or two over long winter nights where everyone would drink coffee, play card games and visit. Life went on, just in a different way. For me life goes on though I am not playing card games, having visitors or getting rest! It just takes me long to do everything that needs doing, lol.
    Enjoy your Christmas Annie.

  6. With artificial lighting, we have lost so many of our natural rhythms. Our ancestors used long winter nights to tell stories that passed on the traditions of the people, to play simple games, to make long simmering stews. I do miss the sun in late fall and winter, though, when the skies in the Southern Tier of New York are either grey with gloom or white with snow. Modern life doesn't let us rest.

  7. A beautiful thought...however, I have no desire to live in darkness (grin). I have grown accustomed to the bright sunshine of Florida, although the last fews days have been darn right gloomy, lol. I do miss the change of seasons and the thought of snow though, grin.


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