z Cottage by the Sea : The Christmas Song.. Ricky Nelson
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Christmas Song.. Ricky Nelson

Happy, cold, cloudy Saturday.  We have flooding here because of the excess of rain we have had the last 2 days.    It poured and the wind howled like crazy.
I am joining in for Saturday 9 and its Ozzie and Harriet this week.. I love them!! 

"Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!"

Saturday 9: The Christmas Song (1964)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) While this song was published as "The Christmas Song," many people refer to it as "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire." Have you ever roasted chestnuts (in an open fire or in the oven)?  Yes, many years ago we roasted them in the oven.

2) Ricky Nelson sings that turkey helps make the season bright. Many of us just had turkey last month for Thanksgiving. Do you enjoy turkey all year around? Or do you consider it a seasonal dish?
My family finally admitted we really all dislike turkey a lot.  We won't be having it any more.
Yes, it is a seasonal dish.   I hate how tired and sleepy it makes you.

3) He wishes "Merry Christmas" to kids from 1 to 92. Who is the youngest person you will celebrate the holidays with? Who is the oldest?  Youngest will be 14, oldest will be 76 I believe.
4) "The Christmas Song" is a perennial favorite and gets lots of play this time of year. Is there a holiday song that you think is overplayed, and that you hope to not hear again (at least not until December 2023)?
Yes, the horrible Maria Carey  "All I Want for Christmas is You".  I just can't stand that song.

5) This version of the song is from The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, the sitcom that ran from 1952 to 1966. There were 435 episodes in all. Is there a series whose every episode you've seen?
6) Life magazine coined the phrase "teen idol" to describe Ricky's popularity. In your younger days, did you have a crush on a teen idol?\
No, I have never had crushes on idols or stars at all.    My girlfriend was wild over Ricky Nelson though.
7) Do you have a funny/ugly holiday sweater?   Yes. My daughter bought it for me to wear to an ugly sweater party.  It is actually kind of cute though.
8) Have you received many holiday cards this year? Did you send many?
I have not sent out any.  I probably should but I don't get any and so it kind of ruins it for me.  I always sent them and got none in return.  Phooey on that.

9) If you were Santa, what cookie would you like kids to leave for you on Christmas Eve?
Snickerdoodles and Russian Tea Cakes (Butterballs)


  1. Snickerdoodles are really good! I am tired of that song too!

  2. Oh Snickerdoodles and Russian Tea cakes sound wonderful!! Love them both. We usually left sugar cookies for Santa and a glass of milk, and a carrot for Rudolph. Santa always left us a thank you note in return. I still have one somewhere that I treasure. Oh dear, I hope you receive my card...I wasn't going to send many and ended up doing a bunch and ran out and had to get more! Our church has little mailboxes for everyone to share cards with each other at church, and so I have to try and remember one for everyone, and that takes up a LOT of cards. Frankly I wish they'd just put up a bulletin board where everyone can put up their card for everyone else to see and save the money for charity. But this is their tradition so I have to play along. Actually, it's kind of nice to take time to write a little note to each person even if we do see each other every week. Anyway, I loved Ozzie and Harriet and Ricky Nelson too. They were "the ideal family", along with "Father Knows Best" and "Leave it to Beaver". LOL. I am not crazy about turkey either. It's too much mess to clean up after. I do hope you have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy some roasted chestnuts for me. We don't get them here.

  3. I enjoyed your answers here. Brings back so many television memories. I watched "Ozzie and Harriet" along with "Father Knows Best" and the "Andy Griffith Show" I didn't send out Christmas cards this year either. I do like Snickerdoodles but never had Russian Tea Cakes. I never had a crush on Ricky Nelson. My crushes were Richard Chamberlain as Dr. Kildare and Frankie Avalon. I loved those Frankie Avalon/Annette beach movies! I hope you have a blessed Christmas!

  4. You didn't answer number 5! lol And that Mariah Carey song definitely needs to go.

    1. I see that... well I've probably seen every episode of Ozzie and Harriet.

  5. I agree, I don't really like that song either. I haven't had a snickerdoodle in years and years.

  6. I'm with you on the song to get rid of. It's not a favorite, anyway, but my younger coworkers have played it to death this year and I'm about to scream when I hear it. Snickerdoodles are my stepdad's favorite so we always have those. I've learned to like them a lot more than I used to.

  7. I am getting to the same way about Christmas cards. I did not feel too bad this year to not send any out. I just did not buy any and I thought I had. Anyway, maybe next year...at least for the people I work with. I have some cards now and they are all from people at work. I don't get many back either. When we did the websites we did a card exchange and an ornament exchange one year too. That was fun.
    I am tired of Mariah Carey too. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  8. All I want for Christmas song used to annoy me too but I have heard for so many years now that I am kinda liking it, lol. Not all things work that way. I don't think I've ever roasted a chestnut or eaten one. I do love turkey as does all of my family except DH. Those of us who like love the bread stuffing too so I try to make a lot of it. As for Christmas cards, I'm getting to the point of not sending any. I say that each year and I do narrow down the list more and more. It does run the fun of it when no one or few reciprocate. I actually get more cards from people I didn't put on my card list! I spent some years sending ecards but none this year. I did get back a lot more cards this year than the norm because I send mine early each year an this year included an announcement about DH being here. It was just easier to share news that way than to call everyone. I live far from most people I want to stay in touch with. I enjoyed your answers Annie and send you and your family Merry Christmas wishes for a blessed time together.


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