z Cottage by the Sea : The Last of the Year.
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Last of the Year.

Happy New Year friends.
 I hope you have a splendid New Year's Eve, New Year's Day and a lovely weekend over all.

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Saturday 9: The Last Song (1972)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?   Hear it here.
This is the last Saturday 9 song of 2022. 
Thanks for another great year.

1) In this song, the lead singer admits he leaves the light on when he goes to sleep. Do you leave any lights on in your bedroom? Or do you prefer it completely dark?
No lights are left on in the house. Outside lights are left on though.
2) He sings that he can't stop wondering where his old girlfriend is. Do you know whatever happened to any of your exes?
Yes. I know what happened to all of them.  All but one have died over the years.

3) He says this is the last song he'll ever sing to his girl. What's the last song you sang? Where were you when you sang it?   "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" at my daughter's house. They enjoyed it.
4) Edward Bear was a Canadian group who took their name from Winnie the Pooh. As written by A. A. Milne, Edward Bear was Pooh's "proper" name. Pooh's  favorite food was honey.  Is there a food you can't get enough of?     
Tacos and home made Spring Rolls.
5) In 1972, when this song was popular, Disney's Winnie the Pooh was quite a celebrity in his own right, appearing on the cover the 1972 Sears Christmas Wish Book. That year, kids asked Santa for plush Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore.  Did you have many plush toys as a child?   If yes, do you still have any of them?  
I had only one plush toy, a large teddy bear named  Ted E. Bear.  I got him when I was 2 and I still have him though he is loved to pieces.

black top around a box building
6) Enough about 1972!   Let's look back on 2022.   What's something you learned or rediscovered in 2022?
The  ugly architecture that has replaced the classical beauty is effecting people in very ugly and negative ways.  Bauhaus architecture (think Russian cement apartment buildings) was designed by Walter Gropius explicitly to harm people's psyche and mental health (Yes, he said so).  He was not a good person.   It spilled over into America and provides dull existences for people.   Rather than inspire, it drags people down.   
 Buildings, homes, parks should inspire and build up.
 This dead architecture was done by design and it has had a dumbing down and crushing effect on people.  It drains the spirit.     I recently realized just how huge this problem really is.   It is a psychological disaster.
7) Can you think of a moment in 2022 you'd like to do over?   I would like to do July 4 over as it was a bust this year.  I want holidays to be wonderful and filled with family, friends and food. 

8) What are you looking forward to most in 2023?         Nothing.   I don't plan like that.

9) Random question: Who received the last email you sent?
No one I can recall.   I rarely send email.. last time was a few years ago and I rarely check my email at all.   Its a waste of time to email me really. It could be years before I see it, if ever.   
I just am not interested in communicating that way.



  1. Oh man, and I love email, lololol. Wishing you a beautiful new year my friend.

  2. I agree with you 100% on architecture. I appreciate beautiful buildings so much and yes, they are so ugly now. I am glad I am not the only one.
    I do not communicate much through email either and haven't for a long time. Loved your answers! Have a very Happy New Year! ♥


  3. Just popping in, dear friend, to wish you a blessed Happy New Year!

  4. Interesting thoughts on architecture. Happy New Year.

  5. I think I've heard that before about the Soviet architecture. It makes sense to me. I always tell my husband that new buildings have no soul and can't begin to compare with older buildings and their craftsmanship.

  6. Hi Annie! Happy New Year! I loved that song as a girl, I remember it well, and even the feelings I had at the time. I always leave a night light on in the kitchen. I have lost track on my old boyfriends... that was such a long time ago. I always sing, I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas. I've had a bad cold so I'm sure it did not sound very good. I love Mexican food as well. I could eat it for every meal! The only plush animal I had was an alligator... I think on of my friends gave it to me in junior high. The things I learned in 2022 are not something I would want to write in this post. I hope 2023 brings more humanity, love and honesty. We just had a wedding in our family...I would do that again. I don't make resolutions. The last email I sent was to a security system company. Hugs!


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