z Cottage by the Sea : Wednesday Thoughts and Haiku
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Wednesday Thoughts and Haiku

As Autumn fades into Winter, I always wonder if I wasted the season.
 I love Autumn and Winter and feel so alive, as Autumn people often do, and so I think to myself, "did I get enough out of it? Did I spend the time wisely? Did I squander these precious days of glorious color and fresh air?"   Yes, it is that important to me.  And then I resolve that I will take greater care with Winter.   I will enjoy the silver skies and white landscape. I will enjoy the bare bark of the trees and the sounds of the winter birds, the howl of the cold winds, the dark of the nights  when rest and relaxation feel so nice.   
Long ago I resolved not to waste my time wishing time away by not enjoying each season as it comes. Now I just need to resolve not to worry if I enjoyed the heck out of it!  
Good bye Autumn, come again soon.

in the neighborhood
"None is traveling 
 Here along this way but I, 
This Autumn evening..." 
—Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)


  1. It appears that winter is coming in like the Polar Express! We will be quite cold this weekend. Yes, autumn was lovely, and I enjoyed it as much as possible. Love the picture you posted. Happy Winter!

  2. I love your thoughts on enjoying the season you are in. Too often I find myself wishing away days. Thanks for the reminder. Merry Christmas

  3. Autumn and Winter, the best seasons, then comes spring and it's pretty good too. THEN the dreaded summer, hot and humid. I never look forward to summer yet I'm always grateful to have another day. Merry Christmas!

  4. Hi Annie~ Love this so much! I feel the same way about autumn, I always leave a little of my heart with it when it's over. It's so cold here, but I'm not complaining. I love to just cozy up in my house and enjoy the beauty of the season. Merry Christmas! Hugs!


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