z Cottage by the Sea : It's About Time

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

It's About Time

It is still winter here on the Southern New Jersey coast. It is cold, windy at times and we have had some very rainy nights.  There are no signs of Spring yet.  
Still Winter!

   I am not a huge fan of the upcoming season; it's weather is not friendly to me at all but, I put up a post yesterday that brought out the good things.   Have a look below is you are so inclined.  It's a lovely graphic anyway.
Tuesday 4 is going along pretty well since I took over for Toni.  It makes me happy to keep it going for her and allows me to recall her so vividly.  
Here is my piece for this week's Tuesday 4.  


 Time flies and weeks just seem to fall by the way side faster and faster.    We all have time on our hands at some point and we all find that time gets away from us at other times.  It takes a lot of work to manage your time because it seems to be at odds with freedom and creativity in some ways.  

Perhaps we might talk about time and how we use it.

1.  Early to bed, early to rise?  Do you have usual times to go to bed and get up in the morning? How do they work out for you?

I used to be in bed by 10 and up by 7 or a little before.  I am one who needs at least 9 hours of sleep each night.

2. Ecclesiastes  says "To everything there is a season  and a time to every purpose under heaven."

How much time is devoted to work, housework, hobbies? What about religious pursuits like study, prayer, services? In other words,  how is your time apportioned?

I worked 2 jobs for a long while totaling 16 (corrected from previous 18..oops) hour days from 8AM to midnight five days a week.  I still did my studying late at night but missed out on a lot of sleep.  I had 2 kids still at home and a bed ridden mother and childlike hubby to care for at that time.  I spend a few hours a week on house cleaning. It takes me longer than most people since I am disabled.  I am learning theology so I spend many hours on that. Prayers is morning, afternoon and night.

I apportion my time according to what is going on at the moment and things can be shuffled around to include things that are more important. 

3. Do you think you manage your time well or would you like to improve? How would you improve?   

I manage it very badly now because I am in pain all the time.  It really makes me not want to do anything and I have to push myself.   I need to power through more.

4. Do you think time travel is possible? Why or why not?

Yes.  You time travel by seconds when flying from the east to the west. This is proven 100%.  The Bell or Gloch in Not-zee Germany was a time machine in which it was documented that plants sped up in growth to the point of putrefaction very quickly!    There are stories that three letter agencies have time traveled and there is a lot of truth in stories sometimes.    I always hold things in the back of my mind and ponder them.   I do not automatically write things off. As the bible says, " A fool answers a questions before he hears it".  So if you say to the fool, "the world is flat" he will automatically scoff and demean it even though he has not studied deeply into both sides of a question.    It is a foolish thing to do.   It is also foolish to believe everything you are told without some serious research into things.

Thank you for joining in this week!  We had some family tragedies and so it went up a bit late taking a back seat in importance.   



  1. Yep on the last thought, grin. Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. I'm so sorry about your tragedies. I hope and pray things will improve or work out. Take care of yourself my friend. Hugs to you....lots of hugs.

  3. I'm so sorry that you are in constant pain. I can't even imagine what that must be like. I enjoyed your answer to #4...very interesting to think about.

  4. So sorry to hear you've had some family tragedies, I pray all is now okay. I sure understand how our health issues can hold us back, I suffer the same. Enjoyed your answers, especially #4, very interesting.

  5. I am sorry for the tragedies. Life is hard. I was talking with my sister Mary earlier. She really needs a miracle and lots of prayer. I don't want to lose my sister. I did enjoy your answers. You sure have lots of great knowledge. I love to learn something new each day. hank you Annie and I hope your day is blessed.

  6. Oh Annie, I am so sorry to hear about you having some family tragedies. Praying for you and your family now. I enjoyed your answers, and your response to #4 is very interesting. I think we will all be surprised by a LOT Of things one day when we get to heaven and see the whole big picture. Until then, God has given us "time" so that we can keep track of our days and nights and years, etc., but God is outside of time and does not need to adhere to the standard times we have. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. The End. Amen.

  7. Annie you are the best. SO grateful to have you keeping Tuesday4 going. You are a blessing to me.

  8. It breaks my heart that your pain is so intense. Our bodies sure can give out quickly. That's why I pray for everybody. One never knows exactly what our friends are going through at any given time. Best to cover everyone in prayer. xx

  9. I do really well with 8 hours, can function on less but only for a short time. I'm sorry about the pain you are in. Praying it eases.


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