z Cottage by the Sea : Saturday 9: Danny's Song
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Saturday 9: Danny's Song


Stormy weekends are lovely as long as they don't get too wild.  But, for much of the US storms are very wild this weekend.            Despite the weather, there is always fun to be had doing Saturday

"Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!"

Saturday 9: Danny's Song (1972)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?    Hear it here.

1) In this song, Anne Murray sings that she thinks she's going to have a son. Is anyone in your life expecting a baby?

No, no one I know of.

2) Back in the 1970s, when this song was popular, parents had to wait until their baby was born to know the gender. Today moms and dads can learn within the first few months whether they're expecting a son or daughter. Do you prefer it this way? Or would you rather not know in advance if you are welcoming a boy or girl into your family?

I don't really know what I would want.   My first pregnancy was twins, a boy and a girl.  We didn't know it was twins until they were born.

3) Anne is so popular in her native Canada that her face graced commemorative postage stamps. What's the last piece of mail you affixed a stamp to and mailed?    Greeting cards.

4) She began taking voice lessons at 15. She was so serious about it she took a 50-minute bus ride each way to her classes. What extracurricular activities captured your attention when you were in high school?     Journalism mainly. I was radio station manager, editor of  school newspaper and literary editor of yearbook.  I also took singing lessons from age 15 and up.  I   played baseball after school as well.      
5) She studied physical education at the University of New Brunswick and upon graduation taught PE for a year. Did you enjoy gym class?

Yes.  It helped me get energized for the day. We girls got to do archery as well as tennis, baseball and the awful field hockey.   What stands out about sports in school was when we finally were free from having gym with the boys.  It was awful having to play with them because we routinely got hurt by them. They were too strong and too rough with us.   By 7th grade we girls had our own gym time but it was already 2 years too late. Maybe it's okay up until 3rd grade but then, nope.

6) Every spring and summer, Anne's fans travel to Nova Scotia and The Anne Murray Centre.  There they can see exhibits and memorabilia from her long career, including her Grammy Awards and gold records. If we were to display memorabilia reflecting the highlights of your life, what items should we include?      Most of them are intangible but I suppose things my  kids made in school and brought home. They are a highlight for me.  My final pair of toe shoes which hang in my bedroom.   For a long while I had every costume I ever wore for shows, operas, etc. 

 I am sure there is more but I am blank right now.
7) In 1972, the year this record was popular, Popeye's  opened their first chicken restaurant. Today there are more than 3700 locations in 30 countries. Is chicken on the menu at your house this week?

I am making chicken  with green beans and sour cream sauce for Friday night dinner.

8) Also in 1972, latch hook rug kits were all the rage. With  pre-cut yarn, a latch hook, and a printed

pattern, "hookers" could make wall hangings, pillow covers, and throw rugs. Are you into arts and crafts?

I do enjoy crafting when I can.  I used to do cross stitch.  I crochet.   My mother taught me to make smocked pillows. I make crochet afghans also.

9) Random question: If you were offered the position of mayor of your town, would you take it?

I was asked to run for mayor of my hometown by a council member back in the day. I said no.


  1. We were not allowed mix gym classes in my time. I was one of the first girls to go to an all male school, and I had to put up a fight to wear denims. For gym classes there was only one dressingroom, so no mix there.

    Have a nice weekend.

  2. #8 My grandmother made a crochet tablecloth and it used to be on my mother’s dinning room table. But after my mother passed away her great-grandchildren didn’t know the history of it and threw it out while cleaning out my parents’ house.
    #9 If I was asked I wouldn’t either.

  3. We are in for some interesting weather this afternoon. It is still nice right now, but big storms coming. Stay safe! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


  4. Hi there - I'm with you completely on #4 - when the girls have to compete with theh boys, definitely by 5th grade it's too late. They're too strong, too rough, and they seem to take it out on the girls! Almost like there's a vicious "You can't stop us" there. I'm remembering all that back now, and you are so right. ~MelaniePenelope

  5. I loved field hockey. Our sports were always separated once we got into Jr high and high school. I still have a smocked pillow my grandma made. She was a big time crafter. I enjoy your painting.

  6. Wow, surprise twins. That would be quite the surprise, I would think.

  7. I think I'm surprised by somethiing I learn about you every time I visit. You have definitely lived an interesting life. Nice to know you were another journalism kid.

  8. I wasn’t fond of field hockey either. But we did gymnastics in junior high, and I hated that …

  9. I enjoyed reading what you shared about Anne Murray. For the first 26 years of my life, I lived an hour and a half drive away from Springhill and visited her neighbourhood many times.


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