z Cottage by the Sea : Music
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Hello Tuesday!

 How are you doing?  It's great to have you back here at Toni Taddeo's Tuesday4.  

 Music is something most people truly enjoy but some find it annoying at times.   Some listen at home, some in cars, and music is played in restaurants, shops, you name it, music provides a background for many activities.

1.What kind of music appeals to you?  What kind  can you do without?  
I listen to smooth jazz or oldies from the 20s through the 50's. I do enjoy that.  I also like to hear 50s-60s quiet music like the 101 Strings, Mancini, etc. on YouTube Stations.
I am a country music fan. I like a lot of rock and roll and some classical music as well.

2.Do you consider music an  important part of life?    Why or why not?   I do. I love the effects that music has for the good.

3 What's on the radio as you drive or what is on at home and do you find music in restaurants and shops soothing or off putting?   

I do not have radio on while I drive.    At home is smooth jazz and quiet radio station music.

4. Would you tell us some of your favorite songs and singers please?

I do really like older music best.  Theme from a Summer Place reminds me of my home.  I love the old song Sleep Walk.  I like George Strait, Kelly Clarkson, ????  Just can't do it today.

I like much of the new music of today that our kids listen to. It's pretty good. But, I am in such a rush the last few days to get things done around here that I just can't really come up with much of anything. Normally I'd have a big list but nope, not today.

Thanks so much for joining in!  Please, if you have ideas for topics let me know in comments here or on Cottage by the Sea blog.  .


  1. Hi Annie, I love a lot of the old music you mentioned. I just hardly ever hear it anymore except maybe on old movies. It sounds like you are super busy so I hope you will have some time to put your feet up and enjoy some calm music. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  2. My son likes the 50's and 60's quiet music you are talking about. He calls it the beautiful music. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  3. Sleep Walk, now that's an oldie! I remember Mr D learning to play that song just after we married.

  4. Iam with you if I have music in car usually classical. Not a fan of today's music.

  5. Enjoyed your answers. I don't mind classical but I don't listen to it.


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