I do like Scrabble, I just have no one to play it with.
What's an eight letter word that tells us something about your life currently? "Downcast"
2. Do you have a junk drawer? Is it full? Do you know what's in it? What's in it?
It's not a junk drawer. I have a drawer with my can openers, scissors, string, glue etc. in it. I throw junk out.
3. When does time pass quickly for you? When does it pass slowly?
It passes slowly talking to people on the phone which I just hate so much. Also waiting for an appointment which I also hate. Time otherwise passes far too quickly lately. I think it's because of the fast-lane living we do. Too many conveniences, not enough work makes the day fly by.
4. These eight vegetables are in season during spring-asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, collard greens, garlic, herbs. What's your favorite? Any on the list you refuse to eat? Last one on the list you ate? I like all vegetables. I do not eat eggplant or zucchini anymore as I react badly to them but I used to love to coat eggplant in egg wash and crumbs and fry it up. Loved it!
5. What's the oldest thing you own? Tell us about it.
I have bullets from the Civil war found on a battlefield. I also have 2 velvet dining room chairs from the 1850's. My grandmother's engagement ring is old. It is rose gold with several opals and rows of seed pearls. In the photo is one of the dining chairs next to my piano.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
It's been in the 40's here and 30's at night and now today 85. Very warm for this time of year. I need to buy a small air conditioner for my bedroom window but then I need so much done in the house it is so daunting,
My windows are all 4feet wide so I also need something built to fill in the space left over and they are made for average windows.

I am so sorry about your eight-letter word.
ReplyDeleteYour comment about the junk drawer made me smile. It's so true indeed.
Yeah, the 8 letter word makes me sad that your heart feels that way. I pray a light will shine there soon and the downcast will leave.
ReplyDeleteScrabble was a favorite of mine too but Steve doesn't play board games. I miss doing that of the evenings.
I cast out unusable (junk) items also. Can't stand clutter. We do have a "junk" pile outside where we keep metal, wood, etc. that can be used at a future date. I think that's a Country thing. *lol*
I enjoyed the post. Blessings.
I guess I never thought about the "junk drawer" that way before. We don't really have a junk drawer per se', as we do not have very many drawers built into our kitchen. Therefore I have a "junk basket", where I put things like scotch tape, a tape measure, odds and ends of things we might need to grab quickly...a little pencil sharpener, rubberbands, small note pads, etc. I am sorry you are feeling downcast. Praying God will lift your spirits and give you joy once again. I do hope you can figure out a way to get an air conditioner for the really warm and humid days of summer. It's too bad we don't all live closer together. It would be fun to play scrabble together!! My hubby isn't a big scrabble fan as spelling has never been his forte' and it was mine. He prefers games he knows he can win. LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week. (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your answers, though not the downcast part..sending you a hug. I chuckeld at your drawer having a can opener amongst scissors, glue, string. :)