z Cottage by the Sea : Rainy Saturday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Rainy Saturday

Saturdays are special to me and hold a lot of memories that I am so very fond of.  
Rainy Day

 Saturdays as a kid were filled with the sound of small planes passing over head, the rickety sound of push mowers and the whirring of motors on the newer mowers.     I seem to recall summer and autumn Saturdays more than other times because more time was spent outside.       
   Do you have memories of times like that?  

I am joining in for Saturday 9.
Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Saturday 9: Promises, Promises (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it  HERE 
When I saw Promises, Promises I thought of THIS song by Burt Bacharach and sung by Dionne Warwick. 

1) In this week's song, Naked Eyes lead singer Pete Byrne admits he believed his girl's promises, right from the start, but now he knows he should have been more careful with his heart. Do you consider yourself more trusting or skeptical?
I am now skeptical after being burned by trusting people. 

2) He looks back on when he and his girl laughed like kids. When did you recently literally laugh out loud (opposed to keystroking LOL)?
 Today from a funny cartoon.

3) He accuses her of not being able to finish what she starts. How about you? Do you finish what you start, or can you think of projects that you're unlikely to ever complete?
I usually finish what I begin.
4) Naked Eyes was a British New Wave band who had four Top 40 singles, including "Promises, Promises." They never toured 40 years ago because it was difficult to recreate their synthesizer-driven sound onstage. Is there a band or singer you would have liked to have seen perform live, but never did?
 Nope.   I am not a fan of bands or concerts of that type. Before today I never heard of this group or this song.

5) While "Promises, Promises" is about an untrustworthy lover, Peter Byrne says he and bandmate/cowriter Rob Fisher worked well together because they knew they could trust one another professionally. By sharing honest assessments of creative ideas, they knew Naked Eyes would never put out "rubbish." If you want an honest opinion on something important, where do you turn?
Not a fan
 I pray about it and usually get an answer of one sort or another, one way or another.  People always tell you what they think you want to hear.

6) Madonna was a Naked Eyes fan.    Are you a Madonna fan?
No.  She is a train wreck.

7) In 1983, when this song was on the radio, the Lotus 1-2-3 program made it easier for PC users to build spreadsheets. Are you answering these questions on a PC or a Mac? Laptop or desktop? Android or iPhone?
Desk top computer.

8) Also in 1983, America West Airlines took off for the first time, taking passengers from Las Vegas to Phoenix. Where did you go on your first flight? What about your most recent flight?
First was to Columbus, Ohio  Most recent was long ago before the evil TSA garbage  from Utah to NJ.

9) Random question -- Finish this statement: If I knew then what I know now, I would have __done things differently.__.


  1. Great Answers. I've never heard of that group either, nor am I a fan of Madonna. You are correct in your assessment of her from my point of view. Our last plane ride was to Maine for our grandson's high school graduation 5 years ago. Now he is here with us, with his lovely fiancee'. We had not seen him since that trip 5 years ago. Saturday mornings in my memory are similar to yours...I love the sound of lawnmowers and the scent of fresh mown grass. Saturday was a day to get outside and play when I was young, but only after doing my household chores of dusting and cleaning the bathroom...oh, and stripping my bed so the sheets could be washed. (and hung on the line to dry!...another fresh scent to remember!) It looks like it could be a rainy morning here today. Our lawn needs mowing, but it may have to wait another few days until things dry out a bit. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed your post as always. Sorry I've been MIA most of the week. Just been so busy, but it's all good. Blessings...

  2. We can always see how we could have done things differently but I'm fortunate even with all the mistakes I've made. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Yep on the whole post...and it has been raining here--well actually storming in the afternoons...wishing you a beautiful day friend.

  4. YES to #5! I trust what God tells me and usually have an idea of what to do just relying on Him. I agree that people just tell you what you want to hear. I never ask friends any advice on important things. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


  5. #2 Out of the mouths of babes.
    #4 Ditto! I never heard of them either. I only heard the musical.

  6. I expect many of us would have done certain things differently had we known.

  7. Hi Annie!! That cartoon is so cute!! Have a lovely weekend. xo


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