“Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn--that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness--that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.”
Oh, I love this...and that view of autumn...which I am looking forward to very much. Summer is my least favorite season here in Florida. I am ready for some cooler and less humid temperatures! Our "autumn" is not quite as showy as it is up north, but we do get some pretty leaves here and there and the best part is the cooler temperatures that last for several months!! Bring it on! Have a blessed week!
Oh, I love this...and that view of autumn...which I am looking forward to very much. Summer is my least favorite season here in Florida. I am ready for some cooler and less humid temperatures! Our "autumn" is not quite as showy as it is up north, but we do get some pretty leaves here and there and the best part is the cooler temperatures that last for several months!! Bring it on! Have a blessed week!