z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Here we go with another Sunday full of stealing.

"Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves"

1. What are your plans for June
I plan on getting my house straightened out a bit more.   I would like to work on my ponds and put up shutters on the house windows.  I will have a 
2. Your mid year resolutions or goals. 
I don't make resolutions and I don't set goals .  I just do what needs to be done and what I want to do.
3. Are you good at taking care of plants
My plants do very well inside and outside.
4. What makes you feel nourished
A good hearty and healthy meal when I am hungry. 
5. Which animals do you see most in your area
Horses, eagles, falcons, beavers, ground hogs, bob cats, foxes, seagulls and sea birds in general, several kinds of hawks that I see daily. Of course cats and dogs too along with squirrels and chipmunks.
An occasional bear.
6. Books on your summer reading list
  I do have books by Wilson and Blackett  on Wales that i need to get through.  I also have the Holy Kingdom about the real King Arthur (yes he was very real) by Adrian Gilbert to read.
7. Projects you want to tackle this summer
cleaning my closet and organizing some shelves in the laundry room
8. Do you have weddings, graduations, summer celebrations
Just the 4th of July. I will have my friend over, maybe some family for hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad and some pie.
9. Which summer snacks are you excited to enjoy again.  Not snacks but I love Jersey tomatoes which are regarded as the finest in the country due to our acid soil.  I love our corn too.  I enjoy grilled steak, baked jacket potatoes with fresh corn and tomatoes.   I love fried tomatoes and mushrooms for breakfast with eggs too.
The beach near me
10. How much time do you like to take for vacations                     I can't afford vacations.   Then again, I live in  a vacation spot so no need to go anywhere else. I have sun, sand, sea, amusements, boardwalks, lovely parks and lakes and creeks galore all in walking distance for me.
11. How much has changed since last summer?
Not too much at all really.   
12. Something that would be out of character for you
Not to entertain friends or family.
13. What do you miss about winter?
The cold, the icy silver skies, and the blustery days.
14. Your favorite free / cost effective ways to have fun
Sitting on the beach. Swimming in the bay or ocean or the creek. Renting movies from YouTube to watch cheaply or for free.
15. Who do you trust most to house & pet sit
I guess my family and friends.

   Some photos of my neighborhood: You can click on them to see them full sized.


  1. IDK what we'll do for vacation this summer bc my wife has a new job, the parameters of which are quite vague in the summer.

  2. Sitting on the beach (#14) is indeed the best way to relax, grin. Have a beautiful day friend. smiles

  3. I don't know that I've ever had a Jersey tomato, but I do love all the produce we've ever bought on the DELMARVA peninsula. If Jersey beats those then, wow, those would be some amazing tomatoes!

    1. They beat them completely. You know we are a peninsula just right above and beside Delmarva.

  4. You live in a lovely area. Are those fried green tomatoes or do you fry ripe ones? I like fried green tomatoes.

    1. I love fried green tomatoes! But for breakfast I just fry up some ripe ones. I like tomatoes just about any way you can make them. I do like where I live but, I have always enjoyed every place I've lived or been to.


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