z Cottage by the Sea : Friendship
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 24, 2023



".,,there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" psalms 18

  It's time once again for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

 Let's talk about friendship.

1. Do you have or have you had a special or best friend or do you consider all your friends the same?

I have one special friend for over 35 years but I have made many friends over the years. Some have stuck but most have faded into the mists of time.

2. Many in the past had close relationships and fell in love through letters.  What do you think of online friendships.. are they real ? Are there friends who last a lifetime? Yes, they are real but you have to be very careful I think.  Yes, friendship can last a lifetime but also only if you are careful to care for that relationship.

3.  Are there stories, movies or TV programs that you enjoyed because of the friendship or relationship portrayed in it?   You've Got Mail is the story of a friendship/love that blossoms on the internet and a  it is a great favorite of mine.

4. What does friendship mean to you?  Friendship is a meeting of minds and sometimes of hearts.    A friend can be a compass who helps you sail steady as she goes, navigate life's course . weather storms and enjoy clear and sunny skies with you.



  1. You've Got Mail is such a cute movie, one I enjoy watching over and over. The scene at the end where they meet in Central Park. Oh, be still my heart.♥

  2. I enjoyed your answers this week. It's been years since I watched You've Got Mail.

  3. That's a very poetic description. Thank you.


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