z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Choices.
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Choices.

Hello friends!    Hope the weekend was treating you nicely.

 from Sunday Stealing....Stolen from SwapBot
Would you rather....

1. Live on a boat or in a treehouse?
Neither one actually. Both are too dangerous and I am way past the time of flirting with danger.

2. No computer use for a year or no sweets for a year?
No sweets.. which I already do! Easy.
3. Have $2,000 right now or be given $100 every month for the rest of your life?
100 for the rest of my life.
4. Be an astronaut or an athlete?
hahaha, astronaut, more like astro-not.   Athlete for sure.

5. Have 50 good friends or only one best friend?
50 friend choir
50 good friends.  An abundance of friends is always very good to have.
Just think ... you can form a team, make a choir.. invade a small country. The possibilities are endless.

6. Have bright blue teeth or bright blue hair?
blue hair and then I'd be a rock star. 

7. Have the power of flight or the power of invisibility?
Invisibility and a smit button!!   First thing I'd do is cut Boris Johnson's ridiculous hair.

8. Have a fun friend who is snarky or a boring friend who is kind?
Since I will have 50 good friends I want them both.
9. Be incredibly rich but without love or be poor but have a happy marriage?
The 2nd is a happy marriage to a dumb  or lazy man who can't earn a decent living? How is that happy"  Poor people are not happy when there is no shelter, food or clothing.  And you can be happy without being married.  

a bit  risqué but it looks just like me!
10. Have a freezing cold shower every day or a pleasant hot shower once a week?  
The hot pleasant shower once a week .    No one needs nasty old cold showers! 

11. Be an only child or have many siblings?     Whatever.  I don't think it matters much.

12. Quit video games forever or live in a desert for a month? Live in a desert for a month but quit the stupid games anyway.  I get to choose the desert though... so Palm Springs will do thank you very much.

13. Go on a one week trip to a foreign country of your choice or a month long trip in your own country?
Month long in my own country.   There is so much I have not seen yet!  

14. Celebrate your birthday every day or go on your favorite holiday once a year?
Favorite holiday once a year.   Here is my list:
1. Palm Springs, California
2. Palm Beach, Florida
3. Lake Placid, New York
4, Cape May, New Jersey
5. Gatlinburg, Tennessee
6. Key West, Florida
7. Honolulu, Hawaii... 
8. US Virgin Islands
these will be a good start to the list .

15. If fish could talk, what would you ask them.   I have a big pond full of fish.  I ask them things all the time.  When I say.. want breakfast they come swimming up at top speed!   They will swim over to the
waterfall to ask me to turn up the power since they love playing in the bubbles.  They can communicate believe it or else!


  1. Great questions and I enjoyed your answers and agreed with several of them. Have a great day, Annie!

  2. Enjoyed reading your answers, I liked #5, and Boris Johnson either needs a haircut and he just needs to comb what he's got! You have a great travel list, I would love to road trip through the New England states. I talk to animals all the time, but never a fish! The way your fish respond to you is amazing♥


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